39. Seth Rollins- Are you still an asshole

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The roar of the crowd at the WWE arena echoed through the corridors backstage, a cacophony of excitement and anticipation. Seth Rollins, dressed in his signature black and gold gear, paced anxiously in the locker room. He had faced many opponents in his career, but tonight's challenge was different. Tonight, he would be forced to work closely with Jessabelle, the younger sister of Roman Reigns, the man he had betrayed and brutally attacked only a few months earlier.

Seth's mind wandered back to that fateful night. He could still see the look of shock and betrayal on Roman's face as he brought the steel chair crashing down on his back. It was a calculated move, a necessary evil to propel himself to the top of the WWE hierarchy, but it had left a bitter taste in his mouth. Roman was not just a colleague; he had been a friend, a brother in arms. And now, Seth had to deal with the repercussions of his actions.

Jessabelle, or Jess as everyone called her, was a rising star in the WWE women's division. She was known for her fiery spirit, unmatched athleticism, and, of course, her fierce loyalty to her brother. Seth had seen the rage in her eyes every time their paths crossed backstage. She hadn't spoken a word to him since the incident, but her silence was more damning than any words she could have uttered.

The knock on the door startled Seth out of his thoughts. He opened it to find Paul Heyman, the creative director, standing there with a clipboard in hand.

"Seth, we need to go over tonight's segment," Paul said, his tone businesslike. "You're working with Jessabelle on this love storyline. We need to make sure everything goes smoothly."

Seth nodded, trying to mask his apprehension. "Of course. Let's do this."

They walked to the production meeting room where Jess was already waiting. Her arms were crossed, and her expression was stone-cold. She barely acknowledged Seth's presence, her eyes focused intently on Paul.

"Alright," Paul began, looking between them. "This storyline is crucial. The fans are already buzzing about the possibility of Seth and Jessabelle working together. We need to deliver. The angle is that despite your past, there's a spark between you two that can't be denied. It'll start with tension and evolve into a reluctant partnership, eventually leading to a romantic angle. Tonight, we'll kick things off with a backstage confrontation. Got it?"

Jess finally turned her gaze to Seth, her eyes piercing. "Fine," she said curtly. "But don't expect me to be friendly."

Seth sighed inwardly. "Understood. Let's just make this work."

The hours passed quickly, and soon it was time for their segment. Seth stood backstage, waiting for his cue, feeling the familiar adrenaline coursing through his veins. He spotted Jess nearby, doing some last-minute stretches. She looked focused, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.

"Hey, Jess," he ventured, stepping closer. "Can we talk for a second?"

She straightened, fixing him with a glare. "What do you want, Seth?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything. I know I hurt Roman, and I know I hurt you too. I wish I could take it back."

Jess's eyes softened for a moment, but then she shook her head. "Sorry isn't enough, Seth. You betrayed my brother. You betrayed me. I don't trust you, and I don't know if I ever will."

Before Seth could respond, the stagehand signaled their cue. They took their positions, the cameras rolling to capture the heated exchange that was about to unfold.

Seth stepped into the frame, his face a mask of contrition. "Jessabelle, I know you hate me, and you have every right to. But we have to work together tonight. Can we at least try to be professional?"

Jessabelle squared her shoulders, her jaw set. "Fine, Rollins. But don't forget, I'm only doing this because it's my job. Don't expect anything more."

The tension between them was palpable, and the segment went off without a hitch. The crowd ate it up, their reactions a mix of excitement and curiosity. Backstage, Paul was all smiles, congratulating them on a job well done.

"Great work, you two. This is going to be huge," Paul said, clapping them both on the back.

Seth forced a smile, but his heart wasn't in it. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. He had made a career out of playing the villain, but now, faced with the consequences of his actions, he realized just how much he had lost.

Over the next few weeks, the storyline progressed as planned. Seth and Jessabelle were thrown together in various segments, their chemistry undeniable. The fans loved it, speculating endlessly about the nature of their relationship. But behind the scenes, things were still tense.

Every time Seth tried to bridge the gap, Jessabelle shut him down. She was professional, but distant, her anger simmering just below the surface. It was clear that she hadn't forgiven him, and Seth didn't blame her. He had done the unforgivable, and now he was paying the price.

One night, after a particularly intense segment, Seth found Jessabelle sitting alone in the locker room, her head in her hands. He hesitated for a moment before approaching her.

"Jess, can we talk?"

She looked up, her eyes red-rimmed. "What do you want, Seth?"

"I just... I wanted to say that I'm really sorry. I know I've said it before, but I mean it. I never wanted to hurt you or Roman. I was just trying to get ahead, and I made a terrible mistake."

Jessabelle sighed, her shoulders slumping. "You don't get it, do you? It's not just about Roman. It's about trust. You broke it. And once it's broken, it's hard to fix."

Seth nodded, his heart heavy. "I know. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn it back. If you'll let me."

She studied him for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she stood up, her posture rigid. "We'll see, Seth. We'll see."

As the weeks turned into months, the storyline between Seth and Jessabelle continued to evolve. The fans were hooked, their every interaction dissected and analyzed. But behind the scenes, things were changing. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, Jessabelle's attitude towards Seth began to soften.

They started to share brief, tentative conversations, the walls between them slowly coming down. It wasn't easy, and there were setbacks along the way, but Seth was patient. He knew that earning Jessabelle's trust would take time, and he was willing to wait.

One night, after a particularly grueling match, Seth found himself sitting alone in the empty arena, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Jessabelle appeared out of nowhere, a small, hesitant smile on her lips.

"Hey," she said softly, sitting down next to him.

"Hey," he replied, surprised but pleased by her presence.

They sat in silence for a few moments, the weight of their shared history hanging between them. Finally, Jessabelle spoke.

"You know, Seth, I've been thinking a lot about what you said. About wanting to make things right."

Seth turned to look at her, hope flickering in his chest. "And?"

"And... I think I'm ready to try. To give you a chance to prove that you've changed."

Seth's heart soared. "Thank you, Jess. I promise, I won't let you down."

She nodded, her eyes meeting his. "You better not. Because if you do, there won't be a next time."

He smiled, feeling a sense of relief and optimism that he hadn't felt in a long time. "I won't. I promise."

.As they sat there, side by side, Seth realized that this was just the beginning. He had a long way to go to fully earn Jessabelle's trust, but for the first time in a long time, he felt hopeful. They had a chance to rebuild what had been broken, to forge a new path together.

And as the roar of the crowd echoed in the distance, Seth knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With Jessabelle by his side, anything was possible

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