yes he is.....

30 3 3

Next morning

Sanjana's office

Sanjana was sitting on her revolving chair in her cabin, playing with a paper holder, where kuldeep, Navya and Dolly were sitting on a couch and Pratham was standing near Sanjana. Suddenly, Sanjana broke a water glass due to this blood was coming out from her hand. Seeing this kuldeep, Navya and Dolly stood up but no one had the guts to go near her . Immediately, Pratham tried to give fast aid to her , but the way she stared at Pratham his legs stopped there. Sanjana brought her hand in front of her face and gave a devilish smile, seeing her smile they four swallowed their saliva.

Sanjana ~ Rohan Malhotra! Youuuuuu......well, welcome to my life again I thought that you will be saved because I will never meet you again but God wanted something,If we met again then I would like to give you a treat... (said by staring at her hand, with a scary smile)

Kuldeep ~ Sa..Sa.. Sanju..Are you sure that that boy is the same Rohan, you liked?

**After hearing the "like" word from Kuldeep Sanjana stared at him with bloody red eyes**

Dolly ~ plzz calm down Sanju we are just asking to be sure.

Sanjana ~ yes he is.. he is Rohan Malhotra from *GENIUS ACADEMY INNOVATION SCHOOL* . I can never be this much wrong.(said angrily)

Navya ~ so that means he is tha son of our previous school's principal and he had kept this thing hidden from everyone. But don't mind Sanju now I'm bound to tell the truth and I'm sure that this is only the truth.

Sanjana ~ what are you talking about? Speak clearly.

Navya ~ because he is the son of our principal and although he was the most popular guy in our class because of this he judged you by your looks and that was the reason why he posted all those things online regarding you . And also he didn't say anything to those students who were bullying you that day . (Said angrily)

Dolly and Kuldeep ~ yes.. you are right.

Sanjana ~ What do you think, did I not understand this? Till yesterday I was thinking that he just made fun of my looks but yesterday I came to know that he also took wrong advantage of being the son of the principal. He took advantage of his reputation unfairly. (said by placing her blooded hand blaringly on the table, after that more blood were coming out from the cuts,but she didn't care about this thing)

**Dolly Signalded Pratham to bring the fast aid box, he brought it and handled it to her because he didn't have the guts to keep it on Sanjana's table**

Dolly ~ Sanju give me your hand it's bleeding so much, don't you care ?

Sanjana ~ huhh.. I don't care , you guys know that I'm dead from inside. And a corpse doesn't feel any pain.(Said with a fake smile)

Dolly ~ well..we do care.

**Then she bandaged her hand, While doing the bandage, Sanjana did not even looked towards her hand once, as like she was not feeling any type of pain**

Sanjana ~ Rohan Malhotra..Now if I have met you then you should keep observing how much pain it causes when someone's life is made hell. (Said with no expression)

Kuldeep , Navya and Dolly ~ we are with you Sanju.

Pratham ~ ma'am can I say something? (Said with narrowing his forehead, which he never did infront of Sanjana)

Navya ~ no no whatever you want to say, say it later plzz.(she said for saving him)

Sanjana ~ say it.(Said by interrupting Navya)

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