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A big farm house which was surrounded by many guards. In which there was also a secret underground room, which required a secret code to enter, in which some people are sitting and talking about something along with them alcohol, some prostitutes, drugs and suitcases of money were also there.

Pawar ~ Mr. Alex I know that the person whom we considered our companion has betrayed us. But you plzz don't worry, I will cut that girl and her team into pieces and make them disappear like they have never existed so that even the eagles don't find them out. After all she is a girl..don't take tension.(said while taking a sip of alcohol)

Mr. Alex ~ It will be better if you kill that girl before me, because if I get into all these then your dead body will also disappear in the same way as you have just given the idea. Because you were the one who introduced me with her and made me realise that she was a trust worthy person.(Said by pointing his gun towards Pawar's head)

**Pawar swallowed his saliva**

Pawar ~ P...plzz calm down Mr. Alex I didn't know myself that A...A.. Annelisa is like this. (Said with a trembling voice)

Mr. Alex ~ By the way, her figure....oh my God.. what a figure...she's so the first meeting I wanted to take her to my bed but I waited for a few days thinking that I will convince her later, but how would I know that she was after me and would stab me with a knife in my back?..Well..what she did was right, now it will be fun to spend the night with her..I will tell her what is called pain...(said with a creepy smirk)

**Pawar was thinking in his mind that how lowly that man was, he was doing business which was fine but how could he talk about sleeping with a girl of his daughter's age. Then he again said to himself that whatever he said or did, he had nothing to do with him, he just had to look at his profit.**

Mr. Alex ~ hey.. what are you thinking so much? (Said with narrowing his forehead)

Pawar ~ n..n... nothing...nothing.

Mr. Alex ~ You were talking about killing her, I don't agree with that. First I will use her, I will touch her whole body, I will show her how hell looks like,then I will through her out in the ocean as the food of fishes....poor Annelisa...(said with a devilish smile)

**Suddenly, a loud sound came from outside the secret room, Pawar immediately told some guards to check outside, It had been 10 minutes after the guards went out but no one returned, Pawar then shoutingly called the guards, but no one answered, after a few seconds the door of the secret room opened which could not open without the password, which only Pawar and his assistant knew, a person was standing outside the door, by looking at the person's figure it felt like a girl , wearing black clothes, only the eyes were visible, her whole body was covered, in the hand of that person a small time bomb was there, that girl came inside the room and very calmly she took off her mask from her face and sat on the couch like a queen.**

Mr. Alex ~ (Said in anger)

Annelisa ~ Bonjour! Mr.Alex. (said with a smile)

Pawar ~ Guards! Where the hell are you?(said in anger)

Annelisa ~ they all have gone out of the world Pawar. Ohh except one...(Said with a creepy smile)

Pawar ~ Who?

Sanjana ~ Natasha...your assistant or we can say your lover! (Said laughingly)

Pawar ~ whatttt...are you serious?

Sanjana ~ Natasha. (Called her)

**Natasha came inside with a gun**

Sanjana ~ what's the situation outside, Natasha?

The Mafia queen and her forced lover!Where stories live. Discover now