Chapter 8

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As the sparing session went on, it was becoming fun as time passed and it seemed as if we were caught up in the heat of the moment that we started sparing really hard, there went on a rally for about 30 minutes or so. The others who were engaged in their respective sparing sessions stopped in their tracks and started watching us, even Hope, Lizzie, Milton and Kevin  started watching us. And to top that of, even Leo, after sometime joined the spectators.

The sparing rally finally ended when Amaira fell down due to lack of stamina and I landed a hit on her hand. Everyone seemed to have been amazed by our sparing session as they started to clap. I helped Amaira up and was just smiling shyly and both me and Amaira did a high-five to our rather small successful session. And as I was looking at everyone, my eyes landed on him, Louis, who seemed to act indifferent and thereby dispersed away along with the others. The class ended and we were to freshen up and thereafter attend the rest of our classes.

I was kinda perplexed at Louis's reaction but I didn't mind it much and thereafter headed to hit the showers. After taking a shower and getting a drink from the dining hall, I was getting ready for my next class which was the potion making one, when someone knocked on the door. I went and opened the door and was surprised to see who it was, Leo. There was a moment of awkward silence when he spoke up,

Um... So, actually I am headed to the woods for my next class and so, I wanted to ask for a favour from you.

It was a completely confusing situation because the one asking me a favour was none other than Leo Lionheart himself. I kinda hesitated at first but since he was asking me so genuinely, I just nodded. And then came the most unexpected request.

Um... So, will you be willing to... Um.... Kinda look after Louis? I mean since he is a newcomer he has not yet adjusted to the new environment. And like he kinda opened up to me I guess and so, I thought of acting responsible and stuff. And as you-- we-- are kinda closer than others, I thought of asking if you could do me this favour.

So, basically I was to take up the job of a babysitter. I mean, okay, fine, I can do that but the thing was that why Leo was looking after him. I mean okay he is indeed a newcomer and yeah, we should be looking after him but why was Leo concerning himself with him. The situation was in fact irritating. I was about to refuse to do the favour, but when I saw his face full of concern and genuine or rather earnest expression, as usual, I gave in. *sigh*

Leo thanked me repeatedly and then went on to his class. I didn't like the idea of having to look after someone who clearly showed his hostile feelings towards me, but without any other alternatives to think of, I just went inside to pick up my class notebook and headed towards the refugee dorms.

When I reached the dorms at the opposite end of the hall, I stopped before one room and knocked on the door. I waited for some time and then appeared from the other side, Louis, he had an annoyed expression when he opened the door and I could see that he had only taken a shower, as he had his towel wrapped around his lower half and, it seemed his hair was still wet.

He told me to wait and I just nodded. After about 10 minutes or so, he came out, wearing a half-sleeved shirt and baggy jeans. I gestured him to follow behind me as I needed to show him to the room where his class was to take place. I had enquired with Milton beforehand, who said that they were free after defense mechanism class and they just needed to attend the councelling session with Miss Emma Tig, who was a witch and the school's guidance counselor.

So, I just thought of directing Louis to the library, where he could go through the books and get to, maybe learn more about the school. I couldn't be bothered to give him explanations and all as I needed to attend my successive classes, which were crucial for my already not-great grades.

As we passed across the dorms, throughout our way to the library, there was dead silence. I mean it was in fact becoming awkward as the time passed. So, without being able to handle the situation anymore, I just broke the silence,

Um... So... Loius, how have you been faring since you came here? Like did you make any friends or even someone to talk to or something?

While walking forward I just waited for his answer but it seemed he didn't wanna talk as, when I turned my back to see him, he was looking sideways, as if I was not even there. Since, the first topic to talk about failed, I again tried to talk with him by bringing up another topic,

Um... Okay... Never mind that. I guess you don't wanna talk about that. But anyways to inform you, we are heading to the library. I asked Milton about the classes of the vamp faction and he said that you guys are free until the councelling session with Emma in the afternoon after lunch. So, I thought that you could spend some time in the library maybe, as I need to head to my classes after this short break. So, you don't mind right going to the lib----

Before I could even finish talking, I just heard a loud *sigh*. I mean, what!? And then came out the words of the most bratty person I had ever encountered in my almost 15 years of life.

Do you know me well? Are we friends? Or never mind that, are we even acquaintances? I don't think we are though. I just came with you because Leo was overthinking about leaving me alone or something and that maybe I would be bored. Fine, I get that. But why the hell are you talking to me in such a casual manner!? I mean it's so fucking irritating. And about the library, I already know the direction so you didn't even have to lead me till here. I think you should head to your class or something, I can handle myself.

Oh my God, this person was so shitty. I mean I was out there trying to make the atmosphere more breathable and wasting my time because of a favour asked by a what, an ex-crush. Ugh... I didn't know that the person we had rescued was so irritating and his mannerisms went beyond the realm of bad.

After hearing everything he said to me, I just couldn't contain myself and so, left him there in the corridor, alone. Here, I was trying to be friendly but he was so damn rude that I didn't have any words to explain. And so, I decided, I would never ever agree to accept any favours from Leo anymore. I just had enough.

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