Author's Note

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First of all, Hello to all my dear munchkins (my readers and followers)!!This is @Haruhiko1312 out here.(≧﹏≦)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for giving my novel a chance to be read by you all amazing readers!! And thank you for showing your support to this amateur writer.

Initially, I was only thinking of writing drafts and not publishing them, but with time, the ideas in my mind were so overflowing and waiting to be discovered by other Wattpad-ers like me, that I couldn't help it and so just published them.

This first book of mine is a fanfiction of the very famous series "Legacies", which is a part of the trilogy of the very famous CW series, "The Vampire Diaries" focussed on a storyline about paranormal beings like that of vampires, werewolves and witches.

Further, as a vivid lover of boy's love and mpreg, the idea popped up in my mind that, " Why not write a novel that matches with my wavelength?" and thereafter I started writing "Raven Hills". This story is written from the perspective from my original character (OC), Lucas De' Mortez, who belongs to a family of witches. Moreover, I have also incorporated some of the original characters of the series itself like that of Professor Saltzman, Elizabeth Saltzman, Josette Saltzman and Hope Mikaelson.

Not gonna take much time of you readers but just wanted to express how grateful I am and would appreciate your constant support and connection with me in the upcoming time period as well!!

Oh and a reminder to not forget to Vote, Comment and Follow!! (*^^*)// Until next time, Happy Reading!!(≡^∇^≡)

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