Otoko, The Shell Extortion

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Okaze Arima.

Power: Manifest.

As of yet no limits of which forms and of what mass, volume, and size these "manifests" take have been found within training exercise or other personal account.

Currently, armor may be foregone from costuming: Minimum Mohs Scale REDACTED.

When taking on animal features keep close observation of REDACTED if fully converted into an animalistic or otherwise REDACTED REDACTED please contact 0000000 for REDACTED.


Their building was a tucked in, out of the way little jewelry store.

With the fascinating little quirk of being on a mirror image back street of a more prominent and larger shopping strip.

The jewelry store saw little revenue as was recorded by the collected financials, explaining how such a business ended up hosting nine villains, it would have been all too easy to make an in-person untraceable cash payment directly to the owners to oust them for the evening. And not even that steep a price could be certain. Likely too little to even register as abnormal.

The owner, however, proved untraceable through their/hers/his workplace and without that there was no other information to go off of. Possibly family owned then, passed on within the family as everything about ownership was otherwise in order allowing the property to be inheritance, the name may not have to change. Especially if they had a disorganized paper only system that mixed up the deed and future iterations of ownership.

With that profile Okaze outfitted his malleable costume to exclude the top portion of his usual space trooper helmet, exposing the crown of his head allowing an antennae manifest to roam the air freely.

The bottom jaw guard let pointed and longer animal ears breathe and be unhindered by the thick plastic in detecting subtle sound.

He'd even opted for a summer style tin-foil alien costume, exposing skin blotched bluish green.

His vibrant colored skin also secreted a phlegm-like slime.

When taking from models in nature or otherwise, his manifests often followed rules with some trace of logic.

So then, did the same rules apply? His vibrant skin being poisonous as a poisonous tree frog's?

Okaze could theoretically test it, and within the now empty changing rooms did finger over one area with the slime.

If he ingested it, would he just know that it was poisonous or would he be legitimately poisoned?

And did that make him a strong specimen or a weak one?

Fingering it for just a brief second he couldn't help but laugh and swirl it across his hip, stretching it to amazing length.

Okaze liked how it twanged similar to a ukelele string.

And then he got stuck.

Okaze struggled and pulled at the unseemly length. No, no, absolutely no! He could not be down a hand now! And he certainly couldn't be embarrassed being seen like this!

But who should he see while exiting but his supervisor Miss Tomage. Thank you universe.

She wore a dark brown coat and lighter turtleneck with knee high boots and dark, form fitting pants.

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