Who Is That Kid?

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It was understood that the desire to survive...

The desire to leave a mission in one piece. Was base, INSTINCT.

"You are never a bad person, never was a bad person, for simply wanting to live Okaze, it's your right as a human being."

"Heroes, all have a choice and should understand the choice they're faced with, about facing death more than most other people will."

Survival was a right afforded heroes much as they saved others.

And this wasn't even all about him anymore.

It was about who had apparently walked in to a very serious crime scene.

"Sh-- Sh-- Shio!" the villain stammered, suddenly abound with a nervous, vibrating kind of presence.

However at this point Okaze only had eyes for the boy who otherwise remained silent and unphased.

Or more accurately, looked on to this situation with distaste.

"I'm," he struggled at keeping his head steady and out of sight, "busy, but of course never too much--"

"Uh huh, look point is I don't see groceries on the counter."

"I know, I know, listen it was mandatory and come on! What I've got here! This soldier boy, he was practically at our front stoop."

"And you couldn't go shopping once he was out why? I mean just leave a hamster bottle for him or something."

A teenager, and in some manner the man's little brother! He was still processing that.

Was this an abductee? Had he been conditioned to say such a thing towards authorities and to his captor? Though that didn't come to explain such defiant behavior.

Then if he was aware of such crimes, with the liberty to act out against such a powerful entity...

Otherwise known to kill any and all persons associated with heroics and otherwise terrorized those unfortunate enough to be held hostage by him...

Then he was in some capacity acting within his criminal activity.

Likely under the presumption of "big brother."

"Look I'm just saying it's five, school is out and I otherwise have no social life big brother."

Was said pointedly. To no one in particular.

Okaze then found his mouth free and able to breathe and gasp out towards the other boy.

The Walking Death was flailing his hands, moving towards the other one now.

Unacceptable, absolutely unaccepted!

"Kid! Kid, call someone, just say my name! Jin-Tsu and I promise you--"

"Uhhh uh-uh didn't see a thing," he drawled.

"Shiooo!" the Walking Death whined emphatically.

"Forget it," he shrugged, "you have this poor kid working extra hours anyway before his keepers let him go home, honestly now. And you never do make Katsudon a bit right."

The Walking Death simply stammered, edging out a response, turning to babble. And simply leaving Okaze.

The boy snorted, and he couldn't see but more imagine a wry smile ekking up on the teenage boy's face.

"Hey kid, this guy isn't a good guy and I mean doesn't even have the time of day to see you home from school," he tried and all too offended for reals on this dude's behalf.

"Who cares. I'm going to kill him tonight for this, we don't have milk big brother," he hummed.

"You know I seriously don't deserve you. Do you wanna hug?"

"God no! Don't embarrass me in front of the private school kid."

He couldn't be more than three years the kid's senior and he could never imagine not being even a blip on his parents' radar.

Though that brought on the Walking Death's wrath.

A wrath that he'd gladly face, no matter how horrific it was.

"YOU," going faint at that single word.

"You are going to respect noise rules, namely, mine," the boy enthused.

"Mac and cheese for our guest," he followed up.

"What the-- no, NO! Get me out!"

"Tired now. Goodbye. Oh, and no desert for either of you."

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