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That was his first thought in all honesty.

To be fair whatever had been used and however it had been applied came with a terribly dry mouth.

Okaze's voice was splintered for the most minimal moan as he tried to get the blood back in motion.

Slowly, frightfully did his bearings come back to him and with that the memory. Of being held tight-- very closely suffocated-- under a larger body, taller than him and who had perched his head lazily upon his shoulder.

At that point he gasped, adrenaline dousing him like gaspline and burning any sense of sleep from his body.

He found the culprit, and remembering the teal eyes without sclera, he quickly identified him. The Walking Death.

"Why hello there," he crooned, "I do genuinely appreciate you giving me company sometime tonight."

Tall and lithe, looking no more abnormal besides his odd eyes and hair, in a sweeping black coat, arms behind his back, and his smile wide and sinister in such a way a moth would be drawn to the alluring light of a bug zapping trap.

A look of horror came onto his face and Okaze was quite confident he'd hardly be able to swallow much less speak.

But he tried anyway, if he could be strong for even a moment then he hasn't ceded this battle to the enemy.

"Ah no need, in fact I'd prefer it if you didn't," the Walking Death preempted.

Sweeping from where his feet were in front of him on the table, to his head.

"Congratulations by the way."

"Yeah, on what?" he grit out.

And the villain pointed to his own forearm.

Having come to his head he lost sight and came to a long silence, before hearing the ripping sound.

"Practition status and you can't be older than ohhh, seventeen I'd wager," he prodded, but Okaze could see through such an obvious play.

He craned and even then could barely see the assortment of devices or vials he fingered, holding each one up.

"Oh," as if he'd been distracted from something important, "I do mean that. It's no easy feat being recognized in those child soldier programs. So don't glare."

And the Walking Death's own face darkened. "Because I am not in the mood for a mouthing off fetus at the moment. So let's be civilized, sophisticated adults alright sonny?"

"Sure, you can try but I won't tell you a thing! You hear me! Not a thing!"

And like that he'd stopped and just... looked at him. Eyebrow raised and looked more surprised than anything, which was... almost worse.

"Tell, tell me," he said and then chuckled. Okaze had naively hoped he would drop the vial in a one handed grip with the other covering the slight.

When the Walking Death showed his mouth again it was with his teeth all bared and malice shining in his expression.

"Oh little boy, I don't want you to tell me anything," he murmured coming close and taking a fistful of his hair, giving a tight pull. "I want you to scream for me, I want you to whimper..."

Okaze felt a bead of sweat run down his head, his heart hammering and most traitorously, felt the beginning of tears to burn at his eyelids.

Nevertheless he glared at the hot breath caressing his face.

"Boron is a solid element, oxygen and nitrogen are both gases and next to each other on the periodic table," he said spitefully, "I can tell you everything I know from high school science."

And like that the villain let go of his head.

Rolling up his own sleeve, revealing from his forearm a deeply embedded needle Okaze began to strain against tight leather bonds.

In retrospect it was completely obvious he was the medical experiment in a hospital operating theater.

Okaze gazed up at an oblong, high ceiling and glaring light down from a completely glass roof.

He strained, bucking his leg up, surprised to see he'd been allowed some slack.

"I shorted your powers but who knows how this little number will interact with you so hey, you might get sick fangs and turn into a were-monster," he explained, multiplying his fear of the entire thing.

He tried to keep his breath steady, worm his arm out of a bruising grip, refusing to fail even as the sleeve was rolled to his elbow.

He strained and then, despite his panic turning his head completely around screamed.

Which is when the door opened.

The Walking Death shoved his hand at his mouth to get him to shut up... due to the appearance of a teenage boy.

"So are you making out or making bank big brother?"

Okaze yelped, because what in the actual was even happening here!

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