tired and heavy..

43 3 0

361 words. This is coming out a lot sooner than expected, kinda surprised I actually wrote this much in so little time. I wrote less than last time but I wasn't really in the same mood as I was then. I hope you enjoy it, this one's kinda depressing. whoops.


"why did I even come..? god I'm exhausted, when's our next break again? I don't know..."

The wind brushes against the fairy's delicate skin as he floats slowly behind the other sins. Listening to the incoherent words flow from their lips, spacing out with each second added. As time treks on his movement grows slower, feeling himself descend lower and lower to the ground below his feet. The echoing sounds of the group's footsteps ring loudly in his ears, his head pounding in response... when did it get so loud?...

The Sloth Sin tries to reclaim his composer before everything drops. "I can't feel my legs... I can't..."



Glinting through the makeshift tent doors and onto pale skin with heavy breathing. In and out, in and out. It sounds so easy, just as the fall breeze sweeps away wilted flowers, moving them to a haven for burial. Time feels like it flies by rather quickly with nothing ever staying the same. Maybe if he hadn't left the tree- or maybe if Michael was still here, then he'd feel like himself again. Not just an extra weight on the group or an exile by the kingdom's standards. Maybe then he'd feel alive again.

Brown eyes sluggishly flutter open just to squint at the bright rays from above. His head thrums with pain, pulsing with the desire to close them forever and never feel the weight of the world against him again. The fabric underneath him shuffles with the movement, propping himself up with the little strength he has using his scraped hands as an anchor for his light weight.

"We should have seen this coming-" *His ears ring, cutting off the source of information as his mind grows dizzy again.* "-only slows us down!" He catches, feeling everything fog. Were they talking about him...? No. surely not... they wouldn't. "-doesn't even matter anymore!"

...is he the problem?

Brandon shifts once more, feeling tears well up in his somber eyes. Everything begins to feel so blank as the fairy loses his last leaf of strength, feeling the world grow quiet, his weak figure finally giving out. Putting him to rest.

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