Chapter Information.

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I forgot to mention, that these are separate oneshots and not one with different chapters. It says chapter because each fic that I write will be in order. I am sorry for any misunderstanding I might have caused. I feel it's obvious but here is the meaning in case you get confused. :))

I'm adding important tags so that you don't have to go into a story blind. I probably should have done this earlier but it's here now for your use. Please let me know if you think a chapter should have any additional warnings added. Thank you!


Chapter One: Daunting and Sleepless nights. ~ Fairy tail origins, Season 4 or 5, (Brandon x David) (Hurt/Comfort) Characters Used: Brandon(Reinbloo) & David(Gingernutt).

Chapter Two: tired and heavy.. ~ Minecraft Seven Deadly Sins, Season 2, (Brandon's POV) (Main Character Death) Characters Used: Brandon(Reinbloo). Characters Implied: Delta, Ritchie, Lucas & David.

Chapter Three: ** s t a r g a z i n g ** ~ Fairy tail origins, Season 5, (Brandon & Ritchie) (Fluff) (Insomniac Brandon) Characters Used: Brandon(Reinbloo) & Ritchie(ItsRitchieW).

Chapter Four: Running from Responsibilities. ~ Fairy tail origins, Before the twins left Salode, (Minor Injury) (Fluff) (In the Past) (Twins are 15 during the story) Characters Used: Brandon(Reinbloo) & Ritchie(ItsRitchieW). Characters Implied: Random Citizen, Royal Maids & Guards?

Chapter Five: foolish boy. ~ Fairy tail origins, Before the twins left Salode, (Child Neglect) (Angst) (In the Past) (Twins are 10 during the story) Characters Used: Brandon(Reinbloo). Characters Implied: Father Diablous, Guards, Ritchie.

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