Blue Pill

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In the late nights of their last November, Biden often finds himself in returning to the comfort of their infantile memories. Vivid recollections of their first of many love affairs flash before his eyes. Questions fly through Biden's mind, it's a restless night. How will he and Obama continue to keep their love a secret without the shield of the White House?
Over the last four years they had discovered their longing to be with one another. Starting off as casual sex, it grew, at least for Biden, into love. He would never confess this to Barack as he is too prideful. Starting with kisses devoid of meaning, leading to their incandescent whispers, Biden had fallen and fallen hard.
Barack turns the corner and falls victim to Biden's sulking eye contact. "Biden" Barack says, leading Biden to be shocked. Barack usually calls him Joe in a loving manner, the name felt cold. Biden is how he expects his citizens to refer to him, Barack calling him this is a slap in the face.
"Barack," Biden calls as he throws out his hand to catch Barack's arm pulling him nearer. "Barack?" he questions,one last time, as he looks deep into his milky brown eyes.
"We cannot keep this thing happening between us" Barack says as Biden flinches. He doesn't know why he is so shocked, he should've seen this coming. "Of course" Biden manages to get out before his facade falls as Barack exits the room.

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