white creamy pill

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Biden's emotions take control of him as his vision begins to blur from the burning hot tears streaming down his face. His instincts take charge as he storms out of the room and follows Barack into his.
He doesn't even think to knock until it is too late as he sets eyes on Barack in his underwear. Barack looks up as Biden freezes, his eyes not sure where to focus. "Uhh..I- ummm," Biden fails to form anything comprehensive as he takes in the sight of Barack. Though having seen it many times, Biden still finds himself thinking Barack is the most attractive person he has ever seen. Barack must have felt the tension forming as before Biden can even fully form a word, Barack has rushed to his side of the room pulling him in for a hungry kiss. It takes a second for Biden to reciprocate the kiss as he is utterly surprised. The kiss is escalating quickly as he feels Barack's hands travel lower down his back, reaching his thigh and promptly picking Biden off of the floor. Biden's legs instantly wrap around Barack as he is pushed up against a wall. Seconds, minutes, or hours have passed, Biden really couldn't tell the difference but his tie had been removed and his shirt sleeve was slipping was off of his shoulder. What he does know is that he is the first to break the kiss, leaving Barack to chase after it. As Biden catches his breath he feels Barack's warm lips latch onto his neck, slowly inching lower onto his chest while undoing buttons on Biden's shirt at the same time. Biden tries to catch the low moans in the back of his throat but one escapes.When Barack hears this it seems to only make him more eager as his kisses deepen when they reach Biden's lower stomach. Biden hears the clink of metal as he watches Barack undoing his belt. When Barack takes Biden's erection into his mouth Biden can no longer watch as he throws his head back against the wall in pleasure. As Barack continues, Biden takes a fistful of Barack's hair tugging hard. Biden is ashamed of how quick he came but, he has been deprived of Barack's mouth as their relationship has taken some twists lately.
As Biden recovers from the haze Barack left him in he looks down to see Barack wiping his mouth, looking directly into Biden's eyes. Biden urges Barack to stand up and as soon as he is on his feet Biden grabs Barack's waist and is throwing him against the wall. Biden slams his lips in Barack's, as if trying to devour him. Biden pulls away and drops to his knees. As he takes Barack into his mouth he is reminded of how large Barack is. He hears Barack's moans escape his throat as Biden continues. Biden swears he hears a faint "Joe" from Barack's mouth, though he ignores it and continues.When he is done, Biden stands up and feels Barack go slack against him, still breathing heavy. As Biden reaches clarity, he is reminded that Barack tried to end things between them earlier. With this Biden gathers his clothes and starts towards the door, Barack watches him the entire time looking like an abandoned puppy. He can hear Barack start a sentence but Biden cuts him off with "Goodbye, Obama" and then slams the door. After all, the election is tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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