23| Where is my prize?

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This takes place when they fought in the mountains.

Cole's POV:

I was so tired. I just did the spinjitsu brust and i had a really bad headache. I slowly stood up and i saw the fallen 'king'. "Im so sorry. Forgive me please ninja." I rolled my eyes.

"Im not the one you need to apologize. You need of them." Then i pointed to the gekks and muns. (Sorry i forgot how to spell T-T)

Vania then came to him. "My precious daughter. Can you forgave me?" He asked and she glared at him. "Get him out of my sight." And they took him. "Cole. I can't describe with words how much i thank you."

I smiled. "Your welcome." I went down because everyone cheered. "Thank you so much earth ninja! You were amazing ." I chuckled. "COLEEEEEE!!!!!" I shocked and i turned around. "SWEET POTATO!!"

We run towards each other and he hugged me. I spinned him around. "Oh babe. Words can't desribe how much i worried about you. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" He cried onto my chest.

"Its okay baby. Im here. I missed you too." I then kissed him. He kissed back. Everyone was shocked except the ninjas. "Ewwww. Kai! Dont make out in front of everyone!" Lloyd yelled at him.

"Let them Lloyd. They're just kissing." We pulled away. "When you ran towards me and Zane, i wanted to hug you that you're okay, but when the stones blocked the entrance to the tunnel, i-i-i- i thought im gonna lose you again."

I smiled at this beautiful boy. "Its okay now love. I beated that motherfucker's ass. Shintaro is now safe." He giggled and hugged me more. "Thank you Cole."


Kai's POV:

I was eating some meal and i played prime empire with Jay but it was really late so i decided to head to bed. "Oh man, im so tired after all this." I told to myself.

I opened the door to my room and i then closed it. I turned around and i saw Cole in my bed. "C-cole? What are you doing here?" I went to him and he smiled.

"Where is my prize?" I looked at him confused. "Wdym?" I asked. "Well firefly, i defeated that bitch, and i didn't get my prize." I looked at him and sat on his lap.

"Well, then a french kiss would be enough?" I asked and he kissed me. It was soft until Cole licked my lips and i opened them for him. I moaned a little and i pulled away.

I then gived him a lot of kiss in his mouth. "More. Vangelis was really strong!" I chuckled and i kissed him all over his face. "Mwah. Mwah."

Cole giggled. He pinned me to the bed and he kissed me. I pulled him up and i sat on his lap again. "Can i get a french kiss again?" He smiled at me and gaved me a a kiss more again.

I moaned and we pulled away. My arm was on his neck and his hands was on my waist. "I love you Sweetheart." I said to his beautiful emerald green eyes. "I love you even more firefly." He said kissing my forhead. I kissed his nose.

I leaned my head onto his chest. "I wanna sleep." He pulled me to my bed and he put the blanket over us. Now it was on both of us.

God i love him so much


I know this was short, but i just re-watched Season 13 cause its my fav <3

Anyways im so tired. My eyes are tearing in every second but idk why and its annoys me so much :(

I dont have motivation atm. My edits on TT are FLOPPING and i just dont have motivation to write. In my new book i started to write a new chapter but im so tired and i can't continue :(


I hope you enjoyed :3

Have a great day/night pookie wookies

Words: 691

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