Chapter 10 "The girl born with everything"

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3rd POV


Faculty and student entrance

(Y/N): Well, this was.... unexpected.

(Y/N) and Shoko were alone together within the faculty and student entrance.

Shoko had her back against the wall as she continued to give a blank stare towards her left hand

While the white haired boy on the other hand also had his back against the wall

Noticeably leaning on it, with his hands in his U.A. jogging pants' pockets.

(Y/N): This place seems....nice....nice enough that is....wonder why you brought me to such a lonely place Cher. What do you have in mind?~


He said his last sentence in a clear amorous tone as he continued to direct his gaze towards the girl Infront of him

Instead she paid no mind at his attempts of flirting at that moment

(Y/N): Wow! Silent treatment today Cher? And here I thought things were just about to get romantical~.

It was finally then that Shoko had ceased looking into her left hand and met her gaze with his

Though she continued to remain silent

She just kept staring into his red eyes with her own heterochromia eyes

The atmosphere around them froze as if a sudden winter had made its way around the area

But Shoko had not been using her ice quirk at that moment, even if it did seem like that

The tension around them was so thick you could cut it with a knife

Though that is what most people would observe upon taking a look at whatever was currently happening in that moment.

This was not the same case for (Y/N) as it would seem.

Instead he displayed a smile that exuded calmness and in some aspect, confidence.

His smile was able to temporarily distract her from the little staring contest she had started which the boy took notice of

Which was enough for him to show some of his pearly whites as he smiled at her

Shoko: You....I....I was overwhelmed. I broke that promise I made to myself all those years ago....

(Y/N): I'm guessing this "promise" or yours is fire related...

Shoko: Yea....

Another silence then filled up the area. Until the girl then spoke up again

Shoko: Have you ever heard of....quirk marriages?

(Y/N): ....Cher, I think we're a bit too young for that, don'tcha think? Atleast let's go on that date first huh?

The girl's face has suddenly flared up with a reddish hue spreading all over her face

Shoko: That is not what I....

She sighed

Shoko: Anyway, they became a problem after a few generations before quirks became widespread. There were those seeking powerful mates for the sole intention of creating powerful offspring. Many were forced into relationships. It was simply deemed as some form of arranged marriages...

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