Kazemi has always been numb.
Quirk: Numb - the user has the ability to take away pain when they touch another's physical skin.
But the drawback...
She can't feel pain AT ALL.
Unless it is killing her. . .
𝖔𝖗 𝖋☠︎︎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖔 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉...
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1 week later
Everyone is a part of the darkness. Whether they choose to admit it or not, everyone has a side to them that no one knows about. Whether it be the secret impulse to kill, rape and steal. Whether it be depression hidden under a well-trained smile, or a good soul changing for the better. Everyone is a part of it.
I knew this was going to happen. I had woken up in the middle of the night, my head pounding and my limbs sore. My scars ached and felt tight around me. My lungs felt contristed as they fought to send oxygen to my cramping muscles.
I did not plan to wake up to my muscles cramping and locking up.
This has only happened twice before. The first was three years ago after I found Shoto, my little brother, in a coma after defeating Endeavor together. The second time was due to stress of the League. After using so much of my quirk and exhausting myself, my body locked, I couldn't move an inch.
Groaning, I tried to move my legs over the bed, trying to get to my safe so I could get the morphine.
I was supposed to go on another mission tonight and I can't go if my body is going night-night on me.
Maybe requesting more missions after breaking things off with Kazemi wasn't the best decision.
It's been a week since I'd last saw her. When she was being attacked in that alley by that disgusting man, I couldn't help but turn him to ash. At first, I thought I should stay away, but I couldn't wait on that curb and watch her be raped because of my pride. The second she screamed no, I knew I had to do something.
Even so, maybe I shouldn't have used my quirk after yesterday's mission. Even if the bastard deserved to burn, I could have just used my fighting knife instead of risking this happening.
I couldn't move my legs even after several tries. During the painful process, I found that my arms weren't locked yet. so I moved onto Plan B: Get Toga to get it for me.
I reached over to the night stand, groaning as my muscles contracted instead of stretching. My hand slapped the night stand, the vibrations of the impact made me cry out. Through gritted teeth, I reached again for my phone and gripped it in my hand.
I unlocked it and went to my contacts, tapping on Toga's number.
Knowing Toga's insomnia driven self would answer. The girl never sleeps.
Indeed, Toga answered on the third tone like she always does. "Hey, Dabi! Aren't you asleep right now?"
"No, Toga, if I was asleep I wouldn't be calling you." I grunted through gritted teeth.