Chapter 27: We Belong Way Down Below

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3 days later

Kazemi has been training nonstop.

As much as he hated seeing the bruises spread along her arms and legs, Touya knew she needed to train in order to get full control of her body again. Kazemi had told him that she couldn't feel pain, nonetheless she shouldn't be so reckless. Touya could count on both of his hands how many times he's seen her fall out of a tree, how many times she had almost impaled herself on daggers, and how many times she had come back with broken ribs.

Due to the frustration of seeing Kazemi training by herself and still getting injured, Touya took it upon himself to train with her today. Plus, he hadn't been on a mission in two weeks and needed to let off some steam. Also, he would like to see how she fought since she carried herself like a dancer.

"Where are you going?" Kazemi asked Touya as he followed her pass the stain of Shigaraki's blood on the carpet and out the balcony door.

She wore a pair of spandex shorts, a cropped tank top and combat boots. Her long black and white hair was tied back in a tight plait down her back. Touya could see most of her patchwork tattoos, the scars on her body, and the new cuts on the inside of her thigh that Touya has never brought up before. He will never bring that up, even though it irked him that she didn't feel safe enough to come to him before she takes a blade to her skin.

"I'm going to train with you." Touya shrugged.

Touya was wearing grey sweat pants, a tank, and a pair of his own combat boots. He had found the clothes hidden behind 4 pounds of weed in his trunk. Touya needed to go make plays, but he hadn't felt like answering any of his clients ever since Kazemi was attacked.

"You won't like my training," Kazemi snickered.

Touya looked at the bruise on her cheek. "Hmm, I've been through worse."

Kazemi's eyes instantly softened, and Touya wondered if she really remembered everything he had told her. "Alright. Let's go then."

Kazemi suddenly took off in a sprint towards the woods and Touya scrurried to catch up with her. Since Kazemi was small and lighter, she ran much faster than Touya. Her form was almost perfect as they ran through the woods, dodging trees and uplifted roots.

They ran about two miles North into the woods until they reached a clearing with a stream running through it. Touya was out of breath and hunched over when they came to a stop. However, Kazemi was doing stretches and taking steady breathes.

Spandex looks good on her, Touya thought as he watched her bend over and touch the steel toes of her boots.

"Let's spar." Kazemi said as she stood up straight and turned to face him. "If you're going to be here, might as well learn each other's fighting style."

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To say Touya was getting his ass beat would be an understatement.

By no means is Touya a bad fighter, he was quite prideful in his abilities to fight. However, Kazemi's fighting style was a combination of jujitsu and karate. Touya was forced to stay planted on his feet, trying to find an opening, but she was stealthy and agile in her movements. Touya noticed she wouldn't give him a chance to use his fire nor would she use her pain quirk on him.

When a punch to his sternum had him on the ground, Touya tapped out.

He laid there on the ground and didn't move to get up.

"When was the last time you were in a fight, Touya?" Kazemi was trying not to laugh by biting her bottom lip.

Kazemi sat next to him on the ground and Touya sat up to face her.

"I should be asking you that, Baby Doll," Touya said breathlessly. "How are you fighting like you've been fighting for seven years?"

"I guess you could say muscle memory?" Kazemi shrugged again. "I taught myself to fight when I was 12."

Touya glanced again at her eyes and saw many secrets written within them. He knew Kazemi had been to hell and back many times, but he didn't know that she had to teach herself to fight. It must have been grueling and frustrating to not have a trainer. Touya and Shoto had their father to train them, even with how cruel his training was.

"How did you manage to do that?" Touya asked as he brushed a flyaway of hair behind her ear.

Kazemi laughed softly. "Believe it or not, I learned from books, YouTube, and fights I would see on the streets."

Touya nodded and got back on his feet, holding out his hand for Kazemi to grab and he pulled her to her feet as well.

But Touya didn't let her go. Instead, he gripped Kazemi's face and kissed her fully.

Kazemi gasped into the kiss, gripping onto his shirt in shock. But it didn't take long for her to melt into him. Touya gripped her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Everytime Touya kissed her, it felt like nothing could disturb his happiness. Like nothing in this cruel world could break them apart.

Even though it terrifies him to his core, Touya would burn the world down for Kazemi. All she had to do was ask.

Kazemi was breathless when Touya pulled away from the kiss.

Her green eyes swam with unsaid desires and promises.

"Never again will you have to fight alone, Kazemi," Touya said as he stared deeply into her evergreen orbs. "Never again."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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