Chapter 16: Just Breathe

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Warning ⚠️: use of cannabis, slight smut

So I'm going to start writing in 3rd person for some parts. I believe it will help me put more emotion into the characters and advance my writing skills.

Thank you 🥰



Dabi couldn't sleep that night

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Dabi couldn't sleep that night. His insomnia came and attacked him, waking him up at 3am. He had reached for Kazemi, but she wasn't curled against his side with her hand holding his like she usually is. After the day Dabi had, all he wanted to do was hold his girl in his arms and never let her go. But as Dabi opened his eyes looking for her, she wasn't anywhere in the bedroom.

Dabi kicked back the sheets and walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the living room.

Did she open her stitches by accident? Dabi thought. But she was fine, he saw as he rounded the corner. Kazemi was sitting on the couch, her cat, Suki, curled up on her side as Kazemi stroked her white fur. The bandages on her left thigh were stained red, but didn't look worse than it was 5 hours ago. It was probably around the time to change them.

"What're you doing awake?" Kazemi asked as she looked up. Dabi's heart skipped a beat when her big brown eyes met his blue eyes. He could stare into her starry eyes for eternity if he could.

"I could be asking you the same thing, Baby Doll." He chuckled as he joined her on the couch, pulling her gently onto his lap. Suki grumbled after she had to move before hopping off the couch and curling up at Dabi's bare feet.

Dabi held back the sigh that wanted to come up when Kazemi ran her slender fingers through his hair. Her nails grazed his scalp, relaxing him even more, and Dabi just wanted to fuck her then and there. But she was injured. Even if Kazemi couldn't feel the bullet wound, he knew anyone else would be crying in bed and not walking around. Even so, Dabi will never get used to the relieving touch of her quirk.

"I couldn't sleep," Kazemi said softly.

"Same here." Dabi caressed the bare skin under her cropped band T-shirt as he kissed her forehead. Her skin was warm and soft save for the raised skin of her tattoos.

Kazemi rested her head on Dabi's shoulder and she placed her free hand on his bicep. Dabi's stomach did a weird thing. Butterflies and snakes swam in his stomach. Sometimes, he didn't understand why Kazemi would lean on him. He felt like he didn't deserve her saying "I love you" that torturous night. Dabi felt as though he didn't deserve anything Kazemi has given him. He felt as though he didn't deserve a second chance.

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