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Shubman Gill and Ishan Kishan sat in the cozy lounge of their hotel room, the dim light casting a warm glow as they relaxed after a grueling cricket match. Shubman was on a video call with his girlfriend, Milan, her excitement palpable even through the screen.

"Love, you have to come to Andhera for our Holi party!" Milan's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Okay, okay," Shubman chuckled, "I'll be there. Ishan will come too."

Ishan, who had been lounging nearby, perked up. "Andhera? I grew up in Andhera! I'm definitely in for this party."

Fast forward to the day of the Holi party, Shubman and Ishan arrived in Andhera, the city bustling with festive energy. They made their way to Milan's house, the scent of fresh flowers and vibrant colors greeting them at the entrance.

Milan greeted them with an enthusiastic hug. "Shubman! Ishan! I'm so happy you're here!" She turned to introduce them to her mother, who welcomed them warmly.

After a brief introduction, Milan led the boys outside. The courtyard was alive with colors, laughter, and the vibrant rhythms of Holi. The air was thick with colored powder and the joyful shouts of people celebrating.

As they strolled through the festivities, they stumbled upon a circle of children dancing Garba. Milan, with a playful grin, joined in, her dancing endearing and energetic. Shubman couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Milan Didi! You're so good!"

"Thanks, Aanya! You're amazing too!" Milan smiled, as the little girl nodded. Shubman crossed his arms, as Milan gave him a grin. 

Suddenly, the music stopped, and a hush fell over the crowd. Two girls rushed towards the circle, their presence commanding immediate attention. 

"Mummy! Garba sticks please!" A girl stood right below the balcony, as one of the older ladies threw two pairs of garba sticks down, at the girl.

"Who are those girls?" Shubman murmured as Ishan's eyes widened.

The children's faces lit up as they cheered, "It's Anika and Vino Didi!"

Anika, her Bollywood star aura unmistakable, beamed at the children. "Sangeet kisane roka? Ise chaloo karen!" she called out, her voice full of joy. 

Vinodhini, her best friend, gave an encouraging nod as the music resumed. Anika and Vinodhini danced to the center of the circle, their movements graceful and infectious. Anika's positivity radiated through the crowd, her laughter and energy lifting everyone's spirits.

The children gathered around Anika, their adoration evident. "Anika Didi, you're the best dancer!" one child exclaimed.

"I wish I could dance like you, Anika Didi," another added, eyes wide with admiration.

Anika knelt down, her smile kind and genuine. "You can do anything you set your mind to. Just keep practicing and have fun!"

As Shubman and Ishan watched the scene unfold, Milan was slowly pushed out of the circle. She scoffed, her frustration evident as she turned to the two boys. "She's always like this," Milan muttered. "Good at everything, always the center of attention."

Shubman placed a comforting hand on Milan's shoulder. "Don't let it get to you. Just enjoy the party."

Ishan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Milan. It's Holi! Let's have some fun."

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