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The next day found Anika feeling a bit restless at home. Spotting Shubman wandering around outside, she waved him over with a playful grin. "Hey, Shubman! Come on in. Let's hang out," she called out, gesturing for him to join her inside.

Shubman entered with a smile, settling down on Anika's bed. The atmosphere was light and easy between them, filled with teasing banter and genuine laughter. Anika glanced at him mischievously. "I'm bored. Let's go do something fun. How about we go shopping?"

Shubman hesitated slightly, not quite sure what to expect but willing to go along with her plans. "Uh, sure. Why not?" he replied, curious despite himself.

They headed out together, and Anika dragged Shubman into a beauty store. Shubman looked around uncomfortably, clearly out of his element. "Anika, do we really need to be here?" he asked, trying to hide his unease.

Anika chuckled, enjoying Shubman's discomfort. "Oh, come on, Shubman. It'll be fun, I promise," she assured him, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the makeup displays.

Reluctantly, Shubman allowed Anika to test lipstick shades on his hand, his expression a mix of amusement and embarrassment. "How much longer is this going to take?" he joked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Anika laughed, her joy infectious as she playfully tried different shades. "Patience, my friend. This is an art," she teased, enjoying Shubman's company more than she expected.

At the mall, Anika and Shubman continued their adventure through the stores, their outing becoming more amusing by the minute. Anika, always full of energy, dragged Shubman from one shop to another, exploring everything from clothing boutiques to quirky novelty stores.

"Anika, slow down!" Shubman exclaimed, trying to keep up with her. "You're like a whirlwind."

Anika grinned mischievously, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Come on, Shubman! You need to embrace the shopping spirit," she urged, holding up a particularly vibrant shirt for his inspection.

Shubman chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "I think I'll leave the fashion decisions to you," he replied, watching as Anika debated between two wildly different pairs of shoes.

They wandered into a bookstore, and Anika's eyes lit up. "Oh, I love this place," she exclaimed, browsing through the shelves with enthusiasm.

Shubman followed her, intrigued by her passion for books. "What are you looking for?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Anika shrugged, her smile widening. "Nothing in particular. I just love the smell of books and the feeling of being surrounded by stories," she admitted, picking up a novel and flipping through its pages.

As they continued exploring, Anika's infectious laughter echoed through the mall, drawing curious glances from other shoppers. Shubman found himself enjoying her company more than he expected, her zest for life and easygoing nature putting him at ease.

They stopped for a snack at a café, sitting across from each other with steaming cups of coffee. Anika leaned back in her chair, looking at Shubman with a playful twinkle in her eyes. "So, Shubman, admit it. You're having more fun than you thought you would," she teased, sipping her coffee.

Shubman chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you got me there. I didn't expect today to be this entertaining," he admitted, feeling a warmth in his chest at the genuine connection they were forming.

Anika smiled warmly, her gaze meeting his. "Well, get used to it, because this is just the beginning of our adventures," she declared, her voice filled with excitement for whatever lay ahead.

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