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Anika's heart raced as she received the call from her coach, her eyes widening in disbelief before a wide grin stretched across her face. "I made it to Wimbledon!" she exclaimed, her tone dripping with her signature sarcasm yet laced with genuine excitement. "Can you believe it?"

Shubman, who was with her at the moment, couldn't contain his joy. He picked her up and spun her around, laughing along with her infectious happiness. "You're going to kill it out there, Anika," he said, setting her down gently and holding her shoulders as they both smiled at each other.

The day of her match arrived, and the sun beat down relentlessly on the Wimbledon courts. Shubman, Virat, and Anushka sat proudly in the prestigious royal box, their eyes fixed on the court where Anika stood, poised and determined. As the announcer introduced them, the crowd erupted in applause.

"And now, from the world of cricket, we have two legends sitting in the box: Shubman Gill and Virat Kohli!" The announcer's voice boomed across the stadium, acknowledging their presence. A moment later, another announcement followed, "And now, for one of Bollywood's most legendary actresses, we have Anushka Sharma!"

Anika's match was intense, her every move scrutinized by the crowd and her opponents alike. She fought hard, her stamina pushed to the limit under the scorching sun. With sheer determination, she secured a clear victory, one step closer to the quarterfinals. Exhausted and sweaty, she approached the post-match interview with humility.

"I'm just grateful for the opportunity to play here," Anika said earnestly, brushing off any praise about her win. "It's an honor to compete at Wimbledon."

The interviewer then asked the inevitable question, "Who is your most favorite sports person ever?"

Anika chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Hmm, tough one. Usain Bolt for sure," she replied, a playful glint in her eye. "Okay, maybe Virat for second, and Shubman for third," she added with a wink, looking over at her friends in the royal box.

Shubman and Virat exchanged mock hurt expressions, playfully nudging each other as they laughed along with Anika's light-hearted banter. The stadium resonated with their camaraderie and Anika's humble charm, making her a favorite among the spectators and media alike.

As Shubman hugged Anika tightly after her match, the cameras caught the intimate moment, freezing it in time for the world to see. Their embrace was genuine, filled with shared pride and joy. Anika laughed softly as Shubman whispered congratulations in her ear, the sound barely audible over the roaring applause from the crowd.

Little did they know, their spontaneous display of affection sparked a whirlwind of speculation and happy rumors among fans and media alike. Photos of the hug circulated rapidly on social media, accompanied by captions speculating about their relationship. Comments flooded in, some teasing, others hopeful, all celebrating the chemistry between the cricket star and the tennis sensation.

Back in the royal box, Virat and Anushka exchanged knowing glances, amused by the unfolding drama. "Looks like they're going to keep the paparazzi busy," Virat remarked with a grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Anushka chuckled softly. "Seems like it," she replied, leaning closer to enjoy the rest of the match with her husband.

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