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The next day dawned bright and clear, and Ishan, Shubman, and Milan set out to find a place to play cricket. They wandered through the neighborhood, eventually reaching the local tennis courts. Anika was there, her presence commanding attention despite being engrossed in her training.

Shubman and Milan, holding hands, noticed Anika on the court. Despite the intense workout, Anika looked radiant, her dedication evident as she practiced intensely. Sweat glistened on her brow, but her focus never wavered.

A group of children approached Anika, calling out excitedly. She greeted them warmly, chatting and even playing points with them without missing a beat. To everyone's surprise, Anika effortlessly won the point, her movements graceful and precise.

Shubman, Ishan, and Milan watched in astonishment. "How does she do that?" Ishan whispered, amazed.

Shubman shrugged, "She's just that good."

Meanwhile, Anika's dad, who was coaching her intensely, noticed Ishan in the crowd. His face lit up with joy as he waved Ishan over. "Ishan beta! Come here!"

Ishan grinned and approached Anika's dad. "Uncle, how are you?"

Anika, taking a break to drink water, spotted the trio and waved cheerfully. "Hey, guys! Enjoying the view?" she teased, her smile infectious.

Milan, standing a bit apart, frowned. She didn't like how effortlessly likable Anika seemed to be, even in the midst of her intense training.

As Anika resumed her match, Shubman, Ishan, and Milan couldn't tear their eyes away. Anika's skill on the court was undeniable, her every move calculated and precise. The match progressed, with Anika displaying a mix of power and finesse that left everyone in awe.

Finally, Anika won the match with a dramatic flourish, bowing dramatically to the cheering children. She walked over to where Shubman, Ishan, and Milan were standing.

"Thanks for watching, guys!" Anika said, her smile wide and genuine.

Shubman nodded, impressed. "You're incredible, Anika."

Anika chuckled, brushing off the compliment modestly. "Oh, stop it. It's all in a day's work."

Milan, unable to contain her skepticism, muttered, "Sure, it's all just a show."

Anika's expression softened. "Milan, I know you don't like me much, but I consider you a friend. I mean it."

Milan glanced away, unsure how to respond. Despite her feelings, Anika's sincerity tugged at her.

Anika's face brightened suddenly. "Hey, I have a big match tomorrow. Would you guys like to come watch? It would mean a lot to me."

Ishan grinned, "Of course! We'd love to."

Shubman nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, count us in."

Milan hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Sure, I guess."

Anika beamed, "Great! I'll text you the details. Thanks again, guys!"

As Anika walked away, Shubman turned to Milan, noticing her conflicted expression. "Maybe she's not as bad as you think."

The next day, Shubman, Ishan, and Milan returned to the tennis stadium, sitting once again next to Anika's parents and Vinodhini. The atmosphere was electric as Anika stepped onto the court, greeted by thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd. Milan, already annoyed by the adoration Anika received, clenched her fists tighter.

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