C5 Mine

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Lauren's POV

Three Days Later

We're eating lunch, with the usual empty seat now occupied with Camila.

I sit down next to Camila

"Wow Lauser, why you gotta abandon me for Mila?" Dinah whines.

"Dinah! I told you not to call me that, and I don't have to have a reason to sit next to her." I scold.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Camila blush. Maybe she didn't blush, maybe she just feels really hot today and her face is and was red? Well, she is really hot, I mean who would deny—Damn it. I'm thinking about her again...

Ally asks, "So, Mila... Want to join us for our annual Friday Sleepover?"

Camila answers, "Oh, um, s-sure—If the rest of you are alright with it?"

We all nod our heads frantically, following that there's a few "Of course." s and "Heck yeah." s. I inform the girls that I am going to host the sleepover, because my parent's are out of town this week.


Let me fill you in, the first person to arrive was Dinah, and the first thing she did was pound me with questions about Camila like: "What did she mean 'old friend' a couple days ago?" and "Oh my God... Do you like her? You like her. Yeah, you two totally banged each other in eighth grade. GET IT LO!" Each word that came out of her mouth earned a smack across the arm. Once I was done with my beating session reflected (A/N: ;) Hehe.) onto Dinah, I told her that we were indeed just old friends, and denied all of her other accusations. She sarcastically replied with an okay, faked a wistful look, and tackled me onto the ground demanding answers.

Back to now, Dinah has me pinned to the ground screaming so "hard" that spit is hitting my face. 

"DINAH WHAT THE HELL!" I finally scream back.

"I want answers Lauren! Answers... Give the damn answers...." Dinah quickly jumps off of me and starts pacing around the living room like a mentally insane person.

"Dinah... D.J. please calm the hell down. You're actually scaring the Allysus out of me."

Luckily, the Exorcist, I mean Ally, arrives just when Dinah finds one of my mom's most expensive vases. Maybe Ally will have her holy water. I push Ally towards Dinah and they both topple to the ground onto Dinah's stuff. Ally whelps in pain because of her broken leg.

Dinah huffs, "Oh, so you can jump on my back and not hurt your leg, but when you land ON me, AND my stuff, you're leg starts to hurt? Unbelievable Allyson. Just absolutely miraculous!"

I squeak out, "Whoops."

Ally and Dinah both shoot glares at me, while Normani comes through the door that was accidentally left open (by me), and gives the three of us one of the funniest confused faces she's made in awhile. Ally starts laughing for all of the children in Germany, to hear, because she is so loud. Camila appears right behind Normani, but Normani doesn't notice her.

Camila attempts at a joke, "Ally and Dinah fell so hard for each other, that they fell on top of each other." Normani squeals, let's go of her stuff, scrambles over to me, and clings onto me for dear life. Three of the girls just glare and narrow their eyes at Camila because of her attempt to make everyone laugh, but instead she actually made the most disgusting joke they have heard out of all of Camila's other attempts. Everyone except me thinks that. I just laugh really loudly, because, genuinely, I think it was funny. Then, Ally, Normani, and Dinah turn their heads to me and give me the same look.

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