🦋Ch 165

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Chapter 165 

Protagonist 3

In addition to the two of them, there were hundreds of attendants chasing behind, and as the two jumped off the demon beast sedan chair, the attendants who followed in the rear also caught up, lined up in two teams, and saluted in unison: "Welcome the eldest lady home!" 

Gong Xiyue: "......"

is okay, this time I didn't bring a singer to welcome her home, it seems that the last conversation with my uncle still had some effect.

A pair of younger siblings pounced in front of her like butterflies.

Younger sister Gongxi Wenxing was wearing a red dress with a hundred butterfly gold threads, a red coral bracelet on her wrist, a variety of gemstone jade spirit beads on her head, a pearl curtain pressed on her waist, and even her weapon whip was embedded with spirit silk shining.

The younger brother Gongxi Jianchen was not much better, with a purple Zhuluan robe, a spirit armor and jade belt, a gold and jade crown on his head, brocade boots on his feet, and a gold-sprinkled folding fan in his hand.

The two of them together are thousands of purples and thousands of reds, jewels, compared with the simple and neat sword cultivation sister in Tsing Yi and white clothes, they are completely two living flowers of wealth in the world.

"Sister, you haven't come back to see us for several years, have you gone to retreat again? We miss you! Gongxi Wenxing said in a coquettish voice, she looks bright, and Gongxi Yue is not the same style.

This second lady, who is arrogant and willful on weekdays, only dare not make a mistake in front of the eldest sister, and she is as well-behaved as a bird.

"My sister is back again, I've worked hard, I've worked hard, hurry up and get on the sedan chair and go home, my uncle is ready to pick up the wind and wash the dust for my sister! Gongxi Jianchen also came up and said flatteringly.

He was a well-known gentleman who did not practice diligently, and only ate, drank and had fun. Gongxi Yue knew his lazy personality, and every time he came back, he had to test him, which made him miserable.

Gongxi Yue looked at the flattering expression of his little brother, his face was expressionless for a while, and he saw that Gongxi Jianchen was worried, and he didn't dare to breathe with his tail between his legs, and kept thinking about whether he had done something big during this time and spread it to his sister's ears.

As everyone knows, Gong Xiyue just remembered the future he saw.

These two siblings are twins, although noisy but affectionate, when Wen Xing gave up everything for Xiao Zhu, Jianchen didn't believe it anyway, and chased after Wen Xing several times to try to take Wen Xing home.

Later, when Wen Xing died, he saw that Chen regarded Xiao Zhu as an enemy, changed his past laziness and hard work, chased and killed Xiao Zhu several times, and almost put Xiao Zhu to death...... It's a pity that in the end, it was still Xiao Zhi's luck that was stronger, not only killing him but also taking away the treasures on his body.

Thinking of the tragic death of this pair of younger siblings, Gong Xiyue rarely eased his attitude, and said softly: "Go back."

Seeing that she was not unhappy, Gongxi Wenxing happily went to take her arm, and the two of them surrounded her into the small palace-like sedan chair.

Gongxi Wenxing said affectionately: "Sister, what are you holding in your hand, did you bring us a gift?"

She had already noticed the package in Gong Xiyue's arms, and then curiously reached out and played with it.

While the fabric was pulled away to reveal the child's face inside, Gong Xiyue said, "It's my daughter." The

younger sister who was leaning on Gong Xiyue's shoulder froze, and the younger brother who was busy pouring tea for her was also stunned.

A moment later, two exclamations rang out from the sedan chair, and a pair of younger siblings fell into madness.

"Kid? Child? What child? Sister, your own child? How can you have children!


Regardless of whether they jumped to their feet and shouted or murmured in a daze, Gong Xiyue stood still and only said: "She is indeed my daughter who is related by blood, called Qian."
After a
pause, she softened her tone again and said, "You are aunts and uncles." Gongxi

Wenxing and Gongxi Jianchen: "......"

The two approached cautiously and looked at the child's face together.

"...... She's so small.

"It's so cute, too.

"I look like my sister, and I will definitely be a big beauty when I grow up in the future."

"She's looking at me!

"She's still smiling at me! The

sedan chair entered the towering gate of Gongxi's house, and then came to the door of the inner courtyard.

As soon as he stopped, Gongxi Wenxing rushed down with the child in his arms, and shouted excitedly: "Uncle! Come and see, uncle! Child, my sister has a baby!

Gongxi Jianchen chased behind: "You wait! Say okay and let me hug it! "

Gongxi walked at the end, and for the first time experienced the feeling of being ignored when he went home.

The uncle Xiyao who came out was also dressed in flowers, and he was rich and powerful, but he couldn't suppress his handsome appearance.

His words of concern for his eldest niece were all blocked, and he was shocked: "What?!" "

What a child!

He didn't care about Gongxi Yue behind him, and looked at the child raised by Gongxi Wenxing, and was instantly attracted to attention.

"Look how much this kid looks like Yue'er! It's the blood of my father's family! Hahahaha! I'm a grandfather!

Gong Xiyao hugged the child and smiled with a pair of fox eyes.

He doesn't care if he is an uncle or a grandfather, in short, this child enters the door of the Gongxi family, he is the child of the Gongxi family, he is the grandfather.

He was smart enough to find out that his niece didn't bring the child back to her father, and since the other party was not worth mentioning, he wanted to see who dared to snatch the child from the Gongxi family.

"Oh, good boy, is it called Qian? Gong Xiqian, good wow, good wow, grandpa, go and write your name on the family tree!

Yu Guang saw that his niece and daughter did not object, and Gong Xiyao was even more happy.

"The first time we met, grandpa hasn't given a gift to Qian, what does Qian like?

"Puff puff!

"Oh, if you want to look good, then just go to Grandpa's private vault and choose!"

"Ahhh Trumpet!

"Okay, let's go! "

The child still makes some whining and snoring sounds, and Gong Xiyue can't understand it, but I see that my uncle and the child have said back and forth.

"Uncle, can you understand what she's saying? Gongxi was more puzzled.

Gong Xiyao laughed: "Of course I don't understand. Gong

Xiyue: "......"

In the past, every time she came back, she had to be cared for by her uncle for more than an hour, but this time, after taking a look, the uncle took the child to the treasure house to choose a gift, and let her go back to her yard to rest alone.

Every time they meet, they have to gather around her to ask questions, and her younger brother also goes to see the children together.

Gongxi Yue didn't mind, but there was a faint amusement in his heart.

She walked alone to her lodgings.

two sisters had a courtyard close to each other, connected by a large garden. This garden is planted with many peonies and peonies that are popular with Gongxi Wenxing, and the garden is full of flowers at any time of the year.

Gongxiyue didn't have Yaxing to enjoy the flowers, but he still paced to the garden and stood on the edge of the flowers and waited.

Xiao Zhi should have been quietly brought back by Wen Xing now, and he was hidden in Wen Xing's courtyard.

Sensing that her biggest goal was close at hand, I believe that Xiao Zhi will definitely come over to take a look, and it just so happens that Gong Xiyue also wants to meet him for a while and see the ability of him and the system.

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting in the sun in the Gongxi Wenxing Courtyard, really received his system prompt.

[Reminder: The world's largest strategy target "Gong Xiyue" is nearby]

Xiao Zhi, who was cross-legged, opened his eyes and sat up from the flowers, his face full of surprise and interest: "Oh? My heroine actually appeared so soon? Then I have to go and see her, I don't know how it compares to her sister, I heard that she is the first beauty in the world of cultivating immortals, don't let me down. Following

the prompts of the system to the garden, passing through the half-human-high peony flower garden, Xiao Zhi suddenly stopped because of a back.

Xiao Zhu prides himself on being romantic, and he has always felt that the back of a woman is "graceful", but this back, the first feeling given to people is that it is upright, like a lotus flower, and like a sassy green bamboo.

Because she is too tall, people want to see her bent appearance even more.

Tsing Yi and white skirt, black hair pulled up, simply standing in the gorgeous and prosperous colors of the garden, independent and unusual.

Xiao Zhu stared at the back and walked forward again, his steps involuntarily quickened.

Want to see her face, what kind of hibiscus face will it be?

Gong Xiyue turned his head and looked.

Xiao Zhi was immediately attracted by those cold star-like eyes. Her head went blank for a few seconds before noticing what her face really looked like.

In the past few years in this world of cultivating immortals, Xiao Zhi has also seen many monks, and few of those female cultivators are ugly, but although he thinks it is good, he has never been so amazing as today.

There was only one thought left in his mind: he was worthy of being the number one beauty in the world of cultivating immortals. More special than the beauties he had met in the previous two worlds.

Beauty is in the skin, in the bones, and in the temperament of the eyes.

There was really a "fairy" aura in her, ethereal and distant, as if he was completely out of reach.

When those eyes looked at him, it was really like looking at dust ants, and there was even an awe-inspiring murderous aura, which made his back break out in a cold sweat in an instant.

But in the blink of an eye, that murderous aura seemed to be just his delusion.

Compared to Xiao Zhu's eyes staring at him for a long time, Gong Xiyue saw him through at a glance.

There is a decent pair of skins, but Gongxi Yue has seen too many beautiful skins, and other than that, he has nothing special.

As Gong Xiyue thought before, only that weird system on him was the most alarming, and he was just a tool with a low mind.

Xiao Zhi came back from his amazement, and showed a bright ruffian smile to Gong Xiyue, who was observing him coldly, and naturally accosted: "Are you enjoying the flowers?" These flowers, as beautiful as they are, are not worthy of you.

"I've been to a snow-capped mountain before, and I've seen a kind of snow-loving spirit flower in the snow, very similar to you...... Guess what kind of flower it is? "

For pick-ups, Xiao Zhi is very experienced and confident.

His first mission world was Ancient Times, where he conquered not only the heroine, but also six other women, and finally married seven wives.

The last mission world was modern, he mixed in the entertainment industry and became a big star, winning the actress one after another, big flowers and small flowers, and countless fans were crazy about it.

Because of his excellent performance, he got the "protagonist halo", and all the women who saw him would naturally have a good impression of him, which was more convenient for him to further attack, so in this world, he was even more like a fish in water.

easily impressed the arrogant lady and asked her to take herself back to Gongxi's house.

The "sister" in front of her, even if it is more special, is only more difficult to raid, and it is only a matter of time before she is raided.

Xiao Zhi knows which angle he looks more handsome, his nose is high, his smile has a hint of exoticism, and he looks at people with a hint of blue eyes with affection, which is very demagogic.

He looked at Gong Xiyue with a twinkle in his eyes, and asked the system in his heart.

[System, check my heroine's favorability of me, has it risen?]

[Raider object "Gong Xiyue",The current favorability is:0]

If it weren't for the fact that there was no negative number display of favorability,,It wouldn't be such a tolerant value as "0" now.。

[Doesn't my aura give all female characters a natural twenty percent favorability, how can it be 0?] Xiao

Zhi was still in disbelief, and Gong Xiyue, who heard his conversation with the system, had already raised his finger and smashed Xiao Zhi in front of him to the rockery not far away.

The hard rockery transported from the bottom of Bitan Lake was smashed in half by Xiao Zhi who flew out.

"Ahem! Xiao Zhu clutched his chest and supported his waist, slumped in the pile of rubble, his face full of pain, and shouted to the system in his consciousness.

[What's going on!] I didn't say anything, why did she suddenly do it to me, so moody?

Seeing that the big beauty came to him again, Xiao Zhi hurriedly showed a pitiful smile: "I don't know what I offended you, I can apologize...... Burst!

Gong Xiyue raised his foot and stepped on his neck, and drew his long sword in one hand.

Xiao Zhi, whose head was congested, immediately struggled: "Wait! I'm a friend of Gongxi Wenxing, the second lady of the Gongxi family, you can't kill me! Of

course Gong Xiyue didn't want to kill him, if he killed him, the system would go to someone else, and there would be more trouble at that time, so it was better to keep this man who was bold and slowly find a solution to the system.

However, deceived her sister and taught him a lesson.

It seems that this man is very confident in his appearance, so let's ruin his appearance first.

Xiao Zhi saw that Gong Xiyue stopped drawing his sword because of his words, and his heart was relieved, and he thought that she really had some scruples.

But he heard Gongxi Yue say coldly: "The stupid thing has dirty Benjun's sword." As he

spoke, he returned the sword to the sheath and pointed to the void, and Xiao Zhi's face suddenly appeared with bloodstains, running through his entire face.

At that moment, the pain crushed Xiao Zhi's vigorous lust, and only a distinct fear remained.

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