Sodapop Curtis Imagine

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You and Sodapop Curtis had been best friends since yall were in diapers. You were always there for him, and he was always there for you. You both lost your parents. You lost yours when you were only 12. Your mom died of cancer, and not long after that, your dad was killed by a drunk driver. You moved in with your grandparents, who lived near the Curtis's. Thats when you and Soda got closer than ever. You two basically spent every second you could together. When Soda's parents died, it tore him apart. He wouldnt eat, and he barely slept. You were there with him the whole time. Spending so many nights in the lot with him, because he couldnt stand being at home knowing that his parents werent there. You stayed by his side through everything. Over time, you helped Soda get better. You were closer to the gang, than you had ever been now. You and Soda had both dropped out of highschool now, and worked at The DX. You and Steve were working at the DX together one day. Soda was going to be late, because Pony had gotten sick, and he was waiting on Darry to get home and watch after him. You and Steve were sitting inside talking, waiting on Soda. Soda finally walked in. "How's Ponyboy?" you asked walking over to Soda. "He's alright, just got a stomach bug I guess." Soda replied, pulling you into a hug. "Oh, Poor kid." Steve said, as Soda pulled away, kissed your forehead, and headed outside to get to work with Steve. You were inside, cleaning up when you heard Steve say the name Sandy. You stopped dead in your tracks and your heart skipped a beat. "So ya know Sandy's back in town, right bud?" Steve asked Soda. "Wait. Really?" Soda replied sounding kind of excited, "I havent seen her in forever." "Great.." You thought to yoursef, "Sandy's back."You couldnt believe that Soda seemed excited about Sandy being back. But then again, you kind of could. You didnt think that you were as pretty, tall, or thin as Sandy was, so why would Soda chose you when he could have Sandy? You suddenly felt sick. You decided that you would tell Steve and Soda that you were sick and that you needed to take the rest of the day off. You grabbed your bag and walked outside. When you got outside you couldnt believe your eyes.Sandy and Soda were basically swallowing each others faces against the back of the building. You let out a small squeak as you took a step backwards. Soda quickly pulled away from Sandy. "Valerie.. It's not what it looks like." I swear. You took another few steps backward and almost tripped over a rock. Sandy smirked and let out a small disapproving giggle. "Babe.." Soda started. You started to say something, but decided against it. You just turned and took off running. The last thing you wanted right now was to see Soda's face.You ran home as fast as you could. You walked in, threw your bag, and slid to the floor. You hugged your knees as yo cried. After a while of crying, you finally decided to get up and make your way to the living room. You put on a movie and then curled up on the couch. A few minutes into the movie, you heard a knock on your door. "Go away!" You yelled through your tears. The person knocked again. "I SAID GO AWAY!" You yelled as loud as you could, tears falling harder than ever now. They knocked again. You finally decided to get up and see who it was that would just not leave you alone. As soon as you opened the door, Soda pulled you into his arms and held you close. You didnt feel like fighting and trying to get out of his grip, so you just cried into his chest."Valerie.." Soda started. You just started crying. He pulled you in closer. "I'm sorry." Soda said over and over. You slowly pulled away from Soda, tears still falling down your face. "Why..?" You asked Soda. "I didn't want to Valerie." I didnt want to." Soda started. "Then why did you?" you asked Soda, sounding hurt. "She kissed me Valerie. I promise." Soda told you. You didnt believe him at first, but when you looked up at him, you saw tears falling from his eyes. "I didnt want to.. I hate myself." Soda kept saying. "No. Baby, dont say that. Please." You said to Soda. You stood up, and went and wrapped your arms around him. "I love you Soda. Please dont say that. Soda just pulled you into a big hug. The two of you stayed silent for a while, then Soda suddenly broke the silence. "I love you Valerie. I dont know what I'd do without you." You smiled up at him. "I dont know what I'd do without you either Soda. I love you so much." He leaned down grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you passionately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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