Chapter Two: My Love

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     We all meet up in the cafeteria for dinner. The only ones missing is Issac, who's treating Ade in the infirmary, Ade, obviously, and Reyna (who took her food and an extra plate for Issac to the infirmary). The rest of the group is split up in pairs or groups sitting at the various tables in the room. Vanna and MJ are giggling while eating, Mills and Mera are eating silently. I look around for two people, Lance and Ebie, who almost always eat together after a particular incident that destroyed relationships and stuff.

     I find them eating at the table in the corner of the room next to the fruit and vegetable mural. They're lips are moving and they're quiet, I can tell that they're whispering to each other. Probably talking about the new litter of puppies that our German Shepherd Amy had. Lance always had a soft spot for anything cute and fluffy.

     "Hi," I say awkwardly as I approach, not wanting to intrude on the two siblings' conversation as it feels like I usually do.

     Ebie stops whispering and Lance gives me a small smile and sighs with relief when they see me approaching. Lance was probably worried about me because of the late time we came back. They're paranoid and more than likely thought that there might have to be another funeral. Ebie just looks at the table with an unreadable expression. I've always found Ebie hard to read.

     I sit down next to them and start eating my dinner. Mera is an excellent cook, we should really praise her on her talent more often. Tonight is rabbit soup, but Mera made sure to make two different variations of it, one with meat and one without (because some of us don't like rabbit, I should really see if any of the old farms around here still have any chickens). I mix my soup around, noticing the carrots and potatoes which Mera more than likely got MJ to cut, knowing damn well what would happen if she let MJ cook them. We let MJ cook once, and only once.

     "How's Amy?" I ask looking up, curious to know if the birth went well.

     "Tired, but otherwise good." Ebie takes a sip of the soup's broth.

     "Oh my god! The puppies are so cute!" Lance looks at me with excitement. "I can't wait to see all their little personalities, hehe puppies."

     "I know, puppies." I smile at them.

     I take a sip of the broth. Lance puts a hand on my shoulder and slowly moves to rub my back. I didn't notice how tense I was from the hunt, but I notice now. My tense muscles relax under their touch, and I sigh. I close my eyes and just let my body relax. When Lance stops rubbing my back I open my eyes and smile, and lean towards them to give them a kiss on the cheek.

     Dinner went by quickly, and soon it was time for us to go to bed. I get up and stretch, yawning sleepily. I wait for Ebie and Lance to get up before following them out. We all file out of the cafeteria and leave the high school, going to our assigned houses. There has to be at least two to three people in one house, safety in numbers and all. MJ, Vanna, and Issac. Me, Lance, and Ebie. Mills and Mera. Reyna and Ade, though for the last week Reyna has been staying in the infirmary with Ade. She really cares for him, as he does for her.

     I hold the door to our house open for Ebie and Lance. Me and Lance share a room, while Ebie sleeps in the room across from ours. We walk up and go to our rooms to get ready for bed. I turn away from Lance to change, and they respect my privacy by not looking. I pull on a soft pj shirt and shorts and tuck into bed. When Lance is done changing they cuddle up next to me, and I feel the smooth silky materials of their pj's.

     "What happened out there?" Lance asks, cuddling closer to me, "I thought that we might've lost you."

     "Nothing happened, don't worry," I lie but they see through it and I sigh, "a couple of the running infected found us, but I'm fine, okay?"

     "Okay." Lance cuddles closer. "I love you."

     "I love you too."

Note: I'm sorry for the short chapter, and that it's lovey dovey, but it had me giggling writing it, so deal with it.

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