Chapter Nine: Vodka Fixes Everything

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     Ebie led us back to a different spot, probably because everyone wanted to move away from the dead infected (I know I would). Our group was there, and Reyna was cleaning off a knife with a rag. I should have known that she was the one who threw the knife. Before the car accident, Reyna used to go hunting with me and Vanna, so I knew that she was adept at knife throwing. You should have seen her on the hunt. It was really a sight to behold.

     Vanna and MJ were talking well, more like arguing when we arrived. To be honest, someone is always fighting with someone.

     "If you would have let them stay asleep instead of covering their mouth, we wouldn't have had that close of a call!" MJ says.

     "Nik would have woken up anyway! They've been a light sleeper since the damn outbreak!" Vanna argues back.

     MJ and Vanna almost never fight though. I guess the tension has been higher ever since we left, and has only gotten higher since tonight. I hate seeing my friends fight. I've always hated yelling, and loud noises. I wish that they would just put aside their past differences and work together sometimes (not directed at anyone in particular, just my opinion).

     "Fuck!" Mills yells, "Vanna shut-"

     I slam a hand over Mills mouth before another fight between them broke out. They lick my hand and I remove it as fast as I put it there. "Mills, chill out man."

     None of us could sleep for the rest of the night. After that little scare, I doubt that we'll ever sleep again. So when the first glow of sun hits the horizon we're all packed and ready to go. Mills and I insisted that we stay in our wet clothes because the sun will just dry them anyways (and it might keep us cooler). Lance was disappointed at that because they didn't want to get wet if they were to hug me.

     The walk was much like yesterday's. Boring, hot. The tension is so thick that Vanna could probably swipe her machete through the air and cut it. No one speaks. I'm becoming increasingly fidgety.

    By now my clothes are dry. I grab Lance's hand to try and calm my nerves. They jump slightly, but I just think it's because of their nervousness after last night. I look down at my feet as I walk, the warmth of Lance's hand in mine causing an almost calming effect to go through my body.

     A road comes into view and across from it is a gas station. The windows are shattered, the door is burst open, and blood streaks on the broken glass, but other than that it looks safe, and abandoned. That's always a good sign. The last time I ran into survivors... let's just say that being alone isn't suited for the mental health of most people.

     "I'm assuming that we're all tired?" Mera asks and turns to us.

     We all mumble something along the lines of yes. Issac leads us over to the gas station on Lucen and when we get there he makes sure to tie Lucen where there is no pavement because it hurts and is bad for their feet. As everyone goes inside to inspect the gas station I let go of Lance's hand to watch Issac and Lucen a bit longer, finding their friendship wholesome. Issac pets and talks to Lucen in hushed tones, laughing and smiling.

     I only look long enough for it not to seem like staring. I join the rest of my friends in the gas station and find that they have already cleared out a spot for us to sleep in the middle and used the shelves to barricade the broken windows. Huh. Maybe I was staring.

     MJ walks over to me with a mischievous grin. "Hey, I heard you had a rough night. Well don't I have the thing for you." She then continues to pull a bottle of almost empty vodka out of god knows where. "Don't worry, I found another unopened bottle in the manager's office."

     I look into her greenish eyes. Her light brown hair falls just below her shoulders and I can see hints of dirty blonde highlights. She's being 100% serious. I take the almost empty bottle from her and chug it.

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