Chapter Five: Get A Room

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     "Damn." I say before all hell breaks loose. I told you it was my go to word.

     Everyone starts freaking out, and getting up to run to the makeshift drugstore infirmary. Even Vanna was, which shocked me knowing just how much she hates him. We've all been waiting for Ade to wake up. Some of us are excited, and some of us are nervous. Will he still be the Ade we've come to know, or will he be just as traumatized as most of us?

     Issac's horse, a handsome tan brown with black mane Clydesdale/Belgian Draught named Lucen, was running with us. Probably because we almost never all run together and he's curious. He roams around anywhere inside the Hot Tub (fenced in area) and that's why our lawns look so good. He eats all the grass. He also goes with Issac when he needs to restock on his medical supplies.

     When the drugstore infirmary comes into view we all stop, because somehow Ade managed to walk outside. Lance had to cover Ebie's eyes because Ade was only in his underwear. DISGUSTING. But out of the corner of my eye I see Reyna bite her lower lip. Again DISGUSTING.

     "PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON YOU TALL SKINNY BEANPOLE BITCH!" Vanna yells and promptly vomits on the side of the road, causing Mera to sigh knowing that she's going to have to make Vanna a snack now.

     To be honest, I feel like I have to throw up too, but not for the same reason. When I see him it's like a punch in the gut of what happened.

     "Oh guys, you'll never believe it," Ade says, "I had a dream that me Cam and Kris went out for a slice!"

     That's when I throw up. I killed Kris. I know that technically he was already dead... he was already dead, yes he was dead. I didn't kill him, I just shot his decaying fungus body. Doesn't that mean I killed him? No shut up.

     No one tells him that his friends are dead, but no one has to either. We all knew that Kris ran away, and the last thing Ade said was "Cam, Gilda... dead" when he woke up for a split second when we got him to the infirmary, so I think he knows. But then again he is really stupid, sort of, in his own way. And he has been unconscious for a while now.

     I see worry spark in Lance's eyes when they hear me throw up, but they know better than to look, because then they'll throw up. Then everyone else will start throwing up, and that's just nasty. So I just give them a small pat on the back to let them know that I'm okay. They're still covering Ebie's eyes, bless them.

     "Of course during all that time I was asleep I was grieving-" Ade starts.

     "No! You are marching your ass home to properly grieve the loss of your best friends but first." Reyna walks up to him and pulls off her black sweater and pulls it over his head. "You are putting this on because that view is for me and me only."

     Ade blushed and Vanna and Mills made gagging sounds while MJ held up a bottle of vodka (Dammit! That was our last bottle too!) and yelled cheers. MJ- The Alcoholic, I can see the title starting to grow on me. Of course we all drink to forget ourselves from time to time, especially these days.

     "I'm going to take Ebie home," Lance says "I'll see you in bed."

     Ebie doesn't even protest being dragged home, in fact she's not even being dragged. She's walking one step faster than Lance, dragging them. It's always fun to watch those two siblings interact with each other. Makes me miss my sisters Ash and Jules. Jules ran away to find Kris, so she's probably dead, and Ash died in a bus accident before this whole apocalypse thing started.

     Out of the corner of my eye I see Issac feed Lucen a few sugar cubes. So, that's who's been taking the sugar. Mera is not going to be happy about that, due to the fact that she has a sweet tooth and loves to bake when it's possible, and sugar is a rare thing these days. We're almost out too.

     "Okay." Mera steps forward to address Ade and Reyna, but also throws a glare at Issac. "You two need to go home and get a room and you." She points at Issac. "You are going to the next town over and getting more sugar if you insist on feeding it to Lucen."

     "Tomorrow, man, chill." Issac says while petting Lucen.

     Reyna helps Ade walk down the street and to their house. They're probably going to have an intense make out session tonight. Gross. Actually, I don't want to think about it.

     "Okay guys, I'm going to head back, Lance is waiting for me at home." I say awkwardly as I turn on my heels and start walking.

     I walk quietly, like I'm still in the woods. Replaying that moment in my head over, and over again. Breathe in, pull the arrow back, breathe out, release the arrow, thud. And he dies over and over again, and nothing I can do will ever change that fact.

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