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(First Person) Astrid

"Astrid. Do you got any, uh, tens" Wrecker asked, his face buried in his cards. I rolled my eyes with annoyance. I replied with a glare saying, "No. I've said no the last three times you asked for them". It's been about a week since we left Anaxes and Echo has still been adjusting. He's gotten some new armor and with some help, has made it suitable for his displays in combat. He seems to be enjoying himself all things considered. And, since we haven't gotten our next mission yet, we landed on a Republic planet to load up on fuel and other equipment. So, I took this time to teach Echo how to play go fish, with the help of Wrecker and Crosshair to make the game, lets say interesting.

"I know you've said no. But as soon as I stop asking for it you are going to somehow get that card and take them all away from me" Wrecker complained and grabbed a new card. I smirked with a light laugh. He's not wrong. "Ok so I just ask for anything I have in my deck, right?" Echo asked. I nodded my head. "Ok then. Hey Wrecker, can I have all your tens". I put a hand over my mouth to contain my snickering. I glanced at Crosshair to see him snickering too. He caught my gaze and we started laughing a little harder. "Awe that's not fair." Wrecker shouted then threw down 3 ten cards. "I ask again right?" Echo asked then set down the forth ten in front of him. I nodded my head then leaned back in the chair I was sitting in. "Crosshair, got any threes?" He shook his head then twirled the toothpick between his teeth. I nudged his foot with the tip of my boot, feeling him nudge back. I smirked then watched Echo grab a card from the deck to place in his hand. My turn.

"Alright. Echo, got those threes?" He placed down 1 three which I gladly took. "Crosshair, got any fives?" "Dank farrik" he mumbled before he placed down 2 fives. I nudged his foot again with a smile. I took them from the crate and placed the 2 I had on top. "Wrecker any jacks?" "What! How?!" Wrecker exclaimed with amazement. I chuckled as he placed down three beautiful jacks. I placed the one I had over the three, having a total of three pairs of four. Crosshair nudged his foot back then ran it down the back of my ankle, heat rising from my neck in the process. I side eyed the mischievous man with slight wide eyes to see a smug smirk on his face. What was he up too?

"Echo, how about an Ace?" "Nope not this time" Echo said. I sighed then grabbed a card from the deck, which happened to be an Ace. "Boom!" I stated and placed down 4 Aces. The three clones groaned as I grabbed another card from the deck. "Is this what always happens?" Echo asked with confusion. Crosshair responded, "If Techs not playing then yes". I scoffed. "Tech has the enhanced skill. That's why he always wins". Crosshair rolled his eyes. "Anyways, my turn. Asta, still got those Queens?" Karabast. I plucked 3 queens from my hand and slid them across the crate. "Lucky guess" I mumbled. "Asta, how about those sevens?" Crosshair asked with a smirk. I glared at him then placed down 2 sevens which he gladly took, making another pair of four. The little cheater. We were neck and neck. Crosshair had 3 pairs of four while I had 4 pairs of four. Only 4 more pairs left to collect.

"Echo, any fours?" Crosshair asked with a smirk. Echo snickered. "You're asking the wrong person. Go fish". Crosshair grunted then pulled the final card from the center deck. I smiled knowingly at him to see a subtle sneer in return. Now the games gets harder. "Astrid. Got any Kings?" Wrecker asked. I shook my head while organizing my cards. A king I never had. It was now Echos turn and he was taking his time, looking into everyone's eyes. "Crosshair, any twos" Echo asked with a raised eyebrow. He shook his head. "Ahh! Echo you just gave Astrid victory" Wrecker said with disappointment. Echo scoffed. "We don't know that". "Yes we do" Wrecker and Crosshair said in unison. Once the game came to an end, I had 7 pairs of four, gaining complete victory.

"I'm never playing that game again" Echo exclaimed and stood up from his seat. "I'm with you Echo" Wrecker stated. I put up my hands. "Oh come on! I went easy on you" I stated defensively. "You call that going easy on us!" Wrecker shouted. I was about to make a snarky remark but, the sound of incoming foot steps stopped me. It was Hunter and Tech carrying supplies. "We could hear you guys screaming from across the market" Tech said, his face buried in his data pad. "He started it" I said with my arms crossed. Hunter sighed with his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't care who started it. I'm ending it". Hunter could be a really good dad. He's got the voice and everything for the job. "Anyways, we got a new mission so listen up" Hunter added then pressed a few buttons on the star map. He then pulled up a planet in the mid rim, Chommell sector. He then zoomed in onto a planet that made me freeze. Naboo.

My Savior (A Bad Batch Love Story:Crosshair)Where stories live. Discover now