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I woke up the next morning and got ready for a celebration with my family. My driver picked me up outside of my house and drove to my mom and dad's.
"Congratulations, Y/N!" My mom greeted me at the door when I arrived. "Thanks mom" I hugged her. "Nice job kiddo" my dad hugged me. My younger sister (by one year), Payton ran and hugged me. "You were at a table with Taylor Swift?!" My sister said.
"Yeah" I smiled, "and guess what. I got her number!"
Payton's jaw dropped. "Girl you literally pulled THE Taylor Swift!"
"No I didn't" I smiled, shyly.
"You're blushing, dude! I'm not stupid" Payton nudged my shoulder.

We sat down at the table to eat brunch. "Y/N got Taylor's number!" Payton shouted.
"Did you really?!" My mom asked.
"Yeah" I smiled.

After we ate brunch, me and Payton went up to our old room and I showed her all the pictures from the event. "Let's text her!" Payton suggested.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Don't be a wuss, Y/N" she teased me.
I mocked her before pulling up Taylor's number in my phone. "Just say hey" Payton said.
"Fine" I sighed nervously.

                              Taylor Swift💗

Hii Y/N!!
                                           Thx for being so nice

Of course!! Wanna hang out tomorrow? I'm bored


"WHAT THE HELL DUDE!!" Payton smiled, "you're going to hang out with Taylor Swift!"
"I guess I am" I smiled, a light blush coating my face. "You're in love with her" Payton teased.
"Okay who isn't?!" I rolled my eyes.

I went home with a huge smile on my face.

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