6. Whats wrong?

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The next few days after, were some of the worst of my life. I hadn't contacted Taylor in a week which was odd for me because we would usually text everyday. Payton took me out of the house to try and "stop my moping" but it didn't work at all. It was a rainy day and I sat on the couch, watching scary movies. I was about to fall asleep when I heard the faint sound of my doorbell ringing. I rolled my eyes before getting up and answering the door. I looked up to see Taylor looking as beautiful as ever. Her slightly damp hair and the way the beads of rain fell off her forehead were enough to make me lose my breath. "Y/N, what's wrong? You haven't texted me for a week" Taylor asked me as I saw a concerned look on her face.
"It's nothing" I crossed my arms, trying not to get too emotional. Taylor put her hand on my leg and that made my heart throb. I sucked in a breath, "I'm fine"
"I know you're lying, but you don't have to tell me at this moment" She grabbed the TV remote and turned on the movie. It was about ten minutes of sitting in silence, when I decided I would tell her. Well, not exactly TELL her.

"I'm in love" I sighed.
"That's great!" Taylor responded.
"Well, not really" I looked down at the patterned carpet below my feet.
"What?" Taylor looked at me with a confused look on her face.
"She doesn't like me back" I blinked back tears as I watched Taylor figure out what to say.
"Oh" she said, "if you don't mind me asking, who?"
I knew this question would arise but I still didn't have an answer ready.
"It's best if I don't tell you"

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