5. Headlines

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I sat in bed reading headline after headline, all stating that me and Taylor were secretly dating. While I would've loved for that to be the case, I was sure it wasn't. Taylor had a break for a week so she came over to hang out. I chuckled as I read another tweet about us. "What?" Taylor asked, curious to know what I was laughing about.
I shook my head before handing her my phone. The headline said: Taylor Swift and Y/N shared loving glances at "The Eras Tour"
"God these people drive me crazy with their rumors" Taylor laughed.
"I know, right?" I chuckled. I knew what this meant. Taylor didn't see me as anything more than a friend. We were just a "rumor"
My stomach dropped but I kept a smile on my face as to not concern her. I felt like I was going to cry but I didn't want to be embarrassed.

I put on the act until Taylor walked out of the door. I began to cry as I watched her car pull out of my driveway. It was stupid of me to even think we could be anything. I hadn't known her for that long but I already felt connected in a way that I hadn't felt before. I called Payton as I cried. "She doesn't like me!" I cried into the phone.
"Maybe she does" Payton tried to reassure me, "I mean she didn't say she doesn't"
"She would never go for someone like me! Be for real, Pay"
"She might" I heard her sigh over the phone.

I cried myself to sleep that night, rethinking everything that I had based my last few weeks on.   I just hoped that we were more than a speculation.

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