[ The Power of Three ]

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Summary: Harry is running out of time.


"Is Harry Potter ready to go?" Dobby was standing next to his desk, looking impatient.

Harry looked at the letter he'd just written, re-reading it one last time:

Dear Voldemort,

When you read this, I'll be back in Hogwarts and you'll no doubt be furious.

I'm sorry to cause you pain. There's a part of me that didn't want to leave, that will forever yearn to be by your side. But I can't stay. I disagree with both your methods - the murders, the torture, the enslavement - and your ideas. A world where purebloods reign supreme and Muggles, Muggleborns and non-human beings are treated like scum, is not one I can accept, so I must fight you.

This does not mean I don't care about you. I love you. These weeks we've spent together have been the happiest of my life. Thank you for the time you've spent with me, for the care you've shown me. I've never felt for anyone else what I feel for you, and I know I never will again.

Forever yours,


PS: Please don't kill any of the Malfoys. Narcissa is a dear friend and I wouldn't want her kind hospitality to be so poorly repaid.

He folded the letter and left it on Voldemort's pillow, then nodded to Dobby, who held out a very familiar wand. It was fortunate that Voldemort had not changed his hiding places since Dobby had left the Malfoys' service. Harry could have gotten another wand, but he wanted to use his own, Voldemort's twin.

He tucked it into his pocket, slung his school bag over his shoulders then took the elf's hand. A moment later, they Apparated in front of Hogwarts' main gate, where Dumbledore was waiting for them.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, Harry." He moved to open the gate and Harry noticed his right hand was blackened and shrivelled, as if the flesh had been burnt off.

"Professor, what happened to your hand?" he asked, horrified.

"This was the result of a moment of carelessness on my part," replied Dumbledore as if he'd cut himself shaving instead of maimed his hand. Harry glowered: did the headmaster think him so stupid he could be fobbed off by such a stupid lie? "I guess this is the legendary Dobby, whom we must thank for both yours and Severus' survival."

"Dobby is honoured to meet Albus Dumbledore. He is hoping to gain employment at Hogwarts."

"Certainly. Would ten Galleons a week and weekends off be acceptable?" the headmaster offered, and Harry felt slightly warmer towards him. Not many wizards would accept a house-elf employee when they could have a slave.

"Oh no, sir! That is far too generous. Dobby shall be far happier earning one Galleon a week and having one day off a month. It's not about the money, sir, it's about showing that Dobby is a free elf and his own master."

"Very well. You can go down to the kitchens and meet your new colleagues. I'm sure they will appreciate an extra pair of hands to prepare the welcoming feast."

"Dobby will see Harry Potter later. He is looking forward to meeting his friends too!" The elf bowed deeply and hurried towards the castle, leaving Harry and Dumbledore walking at a more reasonable pace.

"Thank you for the information you provided to the Order this summer. We were able to use it to save several lives."

"I'm glad to hear that, Professor."

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