[ Forever Yours ]

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"So what do you plan to do? Conquer the rest of Europe first, then the world?" asked Harry once they were back in their bedroom.

Voldemort smiled. "You know me too well, dearest. How can I satisfy myself with just one small island when we could have the world? I know you are upset, but think of all we've accomplished together for wizarding Britain. Why would we be unfit to rule other lands?"

"You're a much better Minister than Fudge or Scrimgeour were," acknowledged Harry. "But your methods to get to power were brutal. You killed and tortured so many that people didn't even dare say your name. I don't want you to terrorise the rest of the world."

"Maybe I was too brutal, especially in my first attempt to take over Britain. One cannot rule solely through fear, after all. Things are very different now, because I have you, my love. As long as you stand by my side, I will not use more force than what he's required to reach our goals."

"Our goals. That's the problem, isn't it? Maybe you could take over other wizarding governments with relatively little bloodshed, but Muggles are a completely different story."

"Muggles might be numerous but they are no different than cattle, and just as easily subjugated with magic."

"No, they aren't," said Harry softly. "Muggles are clever and they won't go down without a fight. Maybe you'd still win, because magic. Maybe not. Anyway, it would be a terrible war. I don't want to see it." Harry couldn't imagine any positive outcome from a Muggle-wizard war, for either side.

"What do you propose, my dear?"

"Leave Muggles alone. The overwhelming majority of them will never have any contact with the wizarding world. They can live their own lives unaware of our own existence. The few Muggles that marry a witch or wizard, or have a magical child, can be subject to our laws, but they must be treated the same as everyone else. No killing, no abuse, and you must enforce it."

"You drive a hard bargain. What do I get in exchange?"

"I will agree to the ritual. I won't object to you taking over the whole wizarding world. No, I will help you do it. I will be by your side, and on your side, always. As your lover, your consort, your other half."

Voldemort's eyes were shining, and his smile was almost bestial in its hunger. "Oh, but it would be glorious, wouldn't it? The whole wizarding world, everyone who is anyone, at our feet. I do enjoy our visits to the Muggle world but it's no more than a zoo, and why would I play zookeeper when I can have a consort and a kingdom instead?"

"So we have a deal?"

"Yes, but you knew it already. You are beautiful, clever, and precious beyond words. And now finally mine." Voldemort drew Harry into his lap and kissed him, pushing his tongue into his mouth, grazing his lips with his teeth. It felt so good to have this, so good to finally say yes. "I will have our deal sealed and consummated tonight, my love."

"Alright." Harry had made up his mind. There was little point in delaying things. "So what is your ritual exactly? Do I need to do something or..?"

Voldemort reached into his nightstand and took a glass vial. It was filled with an electric blue potion. "You must drink this. I will perform the spell."

Harry took the vial and looked at it curiously. "What does this do?"

"This is a mild relaxant and painkiller, so the changes to your body bring you no discomfort. It will also make you more open to me, more willing." Voldemort looked at him seriously. "The ritual requires both of us to drop our Occlumency shields. If you attempt to resist, to close off your mind, it could all end in disaster. Remember our deal, and do not fight back."

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