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Niyara pov
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"i know how you feel about school yara but you can't just not go i know it hurts that you and angel don't talk anymore but it's tough friendships don't always last" i huffed and rolled my eyes at my mom because

my name is Niyara and i live with my mom and my older sister Mylani and for the most part lived an ok life at home but at school its a different story because i've been bullied since middle school so i lost the will power to go to school

i don't have the energy anymore and im just all around tired all the bullying has mad me have terrible anxiety and i have become very closed off and angry and im trying to fix myself i just can't seem to though

"me and Angle are still friends we just needed space to go through different life things separate that's all" Angel is my best friend since 6th grade but in 10th grade are communicating kinda dropped due to me being angry at the world and her going through problems with her mom

we just kinda separated and lost communication in the crossfire but now im a senior in high school and i only have 1 friends left that honest i don't even think shes my friend i think shes just around me because she can't find anything me else to tolerate her

"ok whatever you say but it's about that time for you to start heading out so i love you have a good day and i'll see you when i get off from work ok" i nodded and grabbed my book bag before leaving

it's my first day so i hope it goes well

*time jump*
"girl please don't start this shit this year you were at to first period and you came to school the first day in leggings and a hoodie" i rolled my eyes at Aniyah because i don't care as much about school as she does

as long as i come enough and have a d to c average i'm cool and her on the other hand she wants perfect attendance straights a's and honor roll which is not bad but it's just not me and she hates that it's not

"im here though ain't i im not finna sit in home room just to look at mufuckas i gotta be around an additional seven hours im gonna get here when i can and do my time" she rolled her eyes

"you make school sound like prison" i chuckled "for me it is now can i go to third period please" she just rolled her eyes and waved me away making me playfull roll my eyes and walk in the opposite direction

*time jump*
"hey guys how is y'all's first day going" Aniyah said to our associates Jordan,Tina,and Brandy which made everybody roll there eyes because one it's still only 11:00 am which in my case to early to breath during the summer

and two Aniyah is always full of energy before 7am "man im ready to dip and lay down waking up at 6 ain't the fucking move bro a bitch is tired" everybody nodded agreeing with Tina making Aniyah roll her eyes because she dosent really like Tina anyways

because a little back story i've known Tina and brandy since pre-k we were never really close but were always cool then i met Aniyah 9th grade year right before my best friend started to get homeschooled

and i met jordan in 10th grade when he transferred to our school from some private school but Aniyah and jordan have known each other since elementary so when they got to highschool they just became besties but

it's clear aniyah has a crush on jordan and he used to talk to Tina that's why she don't like her but from personal experience jordan dosent have much substance and would never go for Aniyah and im not trying to say it like she is ugly

she's just not his type because last time i checked if you weren't light skin and had waist length hair it was a no go for him and Aniyah is Darkskin,plus size,and mean as fuck on top of that

but i don't say much to her because it would be like talking to a brick with whole in it it's hard to get through and it doesn't keep anything in "waking up at 6am is good for you the human body isn't meant to stay sleep so long"

i rolled my eyes and stood up to go get my lunch because i don't have time to hear them start to bicker because im not one for arguing and fighting anymore so it doesn't entertain me to see anymore

but i guess she decided against her daily argument with Tina and was right behind me to get lunch "why did you leave me at the table" i made a face "because you were talking and i was hungry i haven't eaten since last night"

she rolled her eyes and scuffed "girl you are my best friend we do everything together weather that be eating,sleeping,shitting i don't know why i keep having to remind you that we are a package deal"

so yes technically me and Aniyah are best friends but i have been trying to get out of it for a while now because she has ruined one of my relationships and my situationship i was in a few months ago

she's very jealous,terrible,and just not the type of person to where you can have other friends be in relationships or even if i try to hang out with my family without her i'm the bad guy and it's starting to get tiring

like i have love for her and she's a good friend when it counts but i feel like a puppy and not her best friend

"yeah i hear you"

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