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Niyara pov

"hello Ms.Dallas i was meaning to get to you before the day ended so how are you doing this morning" i huffed so do to me having shitty grades and attendance you become very well known to the counselors

and don't get me wrong me and Ms.C were tight she has been my counselor since 10th grade and basically know everything about me and why i act the way i do "it's a morning i guess im tired though"

she looked at me "i'm guessing physical tired because you don't look drained "oh no i'm drained to i just don't care to feel anything anymore" she huffed "well why is that before you left  school last year you were happy you had a new boyfriend

you had made one of your friends your best friend what happened" i chucked "if i tell you you'd look at me crazy" she sat up all the way "try me" i nodded "so around april i did get myself a boyfriend but it made my best friend angry

she claimed i never spent time with her anymore and that i didn't love her when i would spend time with him i even went as far as taking her with us sometimes but she would do nothing but be in the middle so

after a while he got tired and i loved and wanted to defend my best friend so right before school me and him broke up"

she shook her head "Aniyah is your best friend correct" i nodded "yup" she nodded "i'm gonna let you in on a little in sight i know you love her but your best bet is to find a new friend and im not saying this as counselor and student

im saying this as me and you because just like you told me thing last year yall don't have a healthy relationship and it sounds like she's the source of that and you need to find something better

because staying somewhere just because it's comfortable don't mean it's good for you now i know she helped you a lot but you've thanked her enough"

i nodded "i know what type of person she is but we have talked and she said she is gonna do better so for now i'm gonna trust her on that and flow"

she nodded "what ever you say but now that we are past this conversation time for the important stuff" i nodded "ok so last year you did great you got yourself where you needed to be and your doing good but due to freshman year and sophomore year you have to take credit recovery"

i huffed credit recovery is basically an online program that helps you gain certain credits and helps you bring your grades up i've been in it a few times and it's not bad i just don't wanna be at school foe 4 more hours a day especially in my senior year

"ok so how is this gonna work because you know i have volleyball right after school and i have to leave for games early some days "well i know but volleyball season is only two months and you only have two classes and each class should take you about six weeks so you can start after volleyball

to make it easier and less stressful for yourself or you can start now and just try your best to do some work at home when you have time  just whatever you feel is gonna work best for you because i know what i don't want is you being overwhelmed"

i think im gonna just start when volleyball is over when i start i just wanna focus and finish as soon as possible" she nodded "ok now that i have something written down for you and we have a plan is there anything else

you wanna talk about or concerning you" i shook my head "ok well if your fine i wanna send you on your way and don't forget to see Ms.kyla about your truancy" i nodded and got up then said my goodbyes before walking down the steps to truancy

which is basically a program that talks to you and try to find out why your not attending school then does things to try and make school better or at least make you look forward to school

and i was court ordered to join last year and it's ight Ms.Kyla is a cool person she's on the younger side so she understand our slang and lingo she talks to us like we are human not like she is looking after a class of 4th graders

and all around i like her and the program she's actually one of the reasons i started coming to school more because if i'm not feeling class i don't have to stay i can just get my work and do it in her office

she has snacks,we have good conversations,and sometimes i even take naps when i'm
there not gonna lie she's actually making my high school experience better and i love her for that

but anyways i finally got to her office and knocked on the slightly cracked door before walking in seeing her doing some paper work on her desk "well hey girly look at you with your hair looking all good and let me seem them nails girl i know you got them done"

i giggle showing off my new set i got the day prior "yup you know me" she smiled "yup and this outfit it's giving very much comfort realness" i nodded "yeah i was gonna put that shit on but it's the first day back and just like i thought the ac is still booming so i just put on some tights a hoodie and my new shoes

i'll put that shit on for senior portrait coming up i'll be ok" she nodded "yup fuck them if you comfortable that's all that matter stamped"

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