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Niyara pov
one week later

hey yall so it's been a week and i've been think about what Aniyah said and that shit got me heated i'm not gonna lie like don't get me wrong im not ugly by any mean but i also don't think im
the baddest think walking

i know who i am and how i look so i don't make a big deal about it and i don't entertain a lot of niggas simply for the fact they see my ass before they see me and that shits annoying but you know what i'm gonna take
Aniyah up on her challenge

i took of my lashes,i got my nails done short and nude,then i took my hair out right after my family portraits yesterday so it's currently monday and im about to walk into school no lashes,glasses on,no contacts,plain nails,and dressed just like her in sweats and sneakers

the only think on my face being lotion and lipgloss because my lips is big and i'm
not finna walk around with no big ashy lips that's crazy she said natural not a hot ass mess but anyways i'm see yall back at school

*time jump*
"good morning Aniyah" she had her back turned to me eating her breakfast but when she finally turned around she made a face of discuss "is this what you call natural" i made a face "this is natural i don't have on any lashes,my nails are plain,and i don't have on anything to show off my curves

so what's the problem" she scuffed "girl you look shiny as fuck and your nails ain't natural" i rolled my eyes because i used to have a really bad nail biting problem when i first found out i had depression and anxiety so my mom started to take me to get my nails done and over time it stopped but i just don't feel right now without them

"girl you know what anyways i did as you request and i'm gonna be just like this for the rest of the week so we are gonna see if niggas just like me for my enhanced looks now come on let's get to class"

*time jump*
"oh my gosh Nini is that your real hair i haven't see you wear it since 6th grade when your mom gave you a good curl for the christmas pollyanna at school" i chuckled at Tina because she's not wrong my hair is very long and curry and i love it

it's just a lot and i don't know how to maintain it so i got to the salon every couple months to get it trimmed and i wash it and oil it but that's all i got please don't as me to do no wash and go ima look like a fucking serial killer

so i just went to my salon lady and told her to give me a blow out and for her to pin curl my shit then i left "girls that not all your hair you lying" said jordan which made me suck my teeth "boy this is all mines this is not my hair color but it's all me ain't that right Aniyah"

she nodded but rolled her eyes in the process "yeah i guess" i huffed and said "fuck you mean you guess what y'all wanna feel my shit" he nodded "hell yeah i just know ima feel a track in there somewhere". i rolled my eyes

because Jordan while i don't think he had any substance he's pretty cool and is a fun person to be around "man whatever you lucky i forgot how painful having a ponytail in all day was" i then took out the four scrunchies i ha holding my bun in place letting

my hair fall to its stretch length resting a little above my bra strap then jordan got out his seat to run his fingers through my hair in which i love when anybody does making my eyes roll to the back of my head and me getting chills

and he did it for a few more seconds until he rubbed all over my head "yeah it's all hers no tracks but i did get stabbed up by a couple of pins she had in her hair" everyone began to laugh except Aniyah who looked furious

but ignored it because one thing about aniyah is once her mind is made up you can't change it and clearly she's mad about something i can't fix so ima just leave it where it's at

*time jump*
so it's hours later and i'm now home and Aniyah came over to my house which is not surprising because she has clothes and shit over here and comes and goes as she pleases

because my mom doesn't mind and she doesn't have the best home life "Niyara let me ask you a question and please be 100% honest with me because i know when your lying" i took off all my clothes and put on my chill clothes seeing as though im staying in the house today

and said "wassup ask away" she sat across from me and asked "do you and jordan have something going on behind my back" i made a face because me and jordan are cool but not in any way each others type

"uhhhh im confused on what your asking me i mean i would consider him a friend like he's a cool guy if that's what you talking about" she looked at me stupid "now Niyara you know asking what im talking about

you don't like people touch you but you let him play with your hair i catch yall talking in the hallway before practice and i see the way you look at him" i made a face of pure confusion

"we have been friends long enough for me to allow him to touch me and it not bother me and he did ask me which i gave him permission then the only time i talk to him before practice is when i waiting for you to change

and look at him how when im not even attracted to the boy plus i know you like the boy that would just be grimy on my part" she looked at me stupid

"i don't like him i just don't want y'all to end up together because yall are my best friends and i don't want yall hurting each other them beefing" i rolled my eyes at her "whatever you say girl"

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