Chapter 2: The bonfire

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(Newts pov)

"She's so bloody beautiful..." Newt whispers to himself.

"What was that mate?" asked Thomas (hearing what he said) who was standing right beside Newt. Newt jumped a little forgetting he wasn't alone.

"Nothing! nothing." Newt says in a hurry. Thomas glances over at y/n and sighs.

"You know we use to date?" Thomas says still looking at y/n. Newt shook his head slightly.

"I mean we were really serious actually..." Thomas says looking at his feet.

"What happened?" asked Newt.

"Well, she wanted to be a runner and well, I said no. Y/n got really mad and said that I didn't own her and she broke up with me." Thomas said with tears in his eyes. Newt put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"And naturally after we broke up everyone else started to ask her out, but she rejected all of them, and she probably will for the rest of her life!" Thomas said looking at Newt. After Thomas said that he instantly noticed the sadness on Newts face and smirked knowing that he won't try to ask her out.

"Well! I'll see you at the bonfire night." Thomas said skipping happily away.

"yeah... see ya," said Newt still disappointed.

(Later at the bonfire: still Newts pov)

Newt walks over to the bonfire, trying to spot Y/n or Thomas (the only two people Newt know).  Newt can't find them so he shyly introduces himself with Fry (the cook).

"Hey! Your Fry, right?" Newt asks

"Yeah! Greenie your pretty early the bonfire doesn't start until another 10 minutes! But, I can show you around I mean basically everyone is here." Fry leads you to a group of boys and introduces Newt to the Builders, Sloppers, Baggers, Cooks, Med-jacks, Map makers, Track-Hoes and Blood Housers.

(meanwhile with Y/n and Thomas: Y/n's pov) 

You are getting sticks to start the bonfire when Thomas walks up behind you and gives you a hug.

"What the- Thomas? What are you doing?" You say staring down at Thomas clinging to your waist. Thomas then makes his way up to your face and kisses your neck.

"Just hugging my girlfriend!" Thomas says still kissing your neck. You push him away and say...

"You are NOT! My boyfriend we are done! I broke up with you two weeks ago! Deal with it!" You say slowly backing away.

"I now you don't mean that your just a little moody, come on!" Thomas says walking over to you and holding your hands he leans in for a kiss when you slap him in the face.

"Thomas for the last time NO!  N O!" you scream on the top of your lungs a it echoes through the forest. Thomas is on the floor as your slap was very painful. You pick up the sticks for the bonfire and run away.

"I will win you back whether you like it our not!" Thomas says as he watches you run away.

You run to the bonfire and throw the sticks in the fire. You spot Newt and he walks over to you, well, he tries anyways.
"Are you drunk?" You say as Newt stumbles over to you.

"Nooooo, WhY wHoUlD yOu ThInK tHaT?" Newt says giggling.

"Ok Blondie lets go over to Fry to get you some water." You link arms with Newt and walk over to the kitchen. You grab him a cup of water and you pick a spot in-front of the bonfire and after he drinks all the water he leans on your stomach and wraps his arms around your waist.

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