Chapter 1: The new greenie.

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Another month another greenie. These guys are all the same, I really need a girl in this place all these boys are making me crazy. I mean there way to nice to me hoping I'll be there girlfriend as I am the only girl in here. I'm sure this new greenie isn't going to be any different! Suddenly, there's that familiar sound of the box...
"Hey y/n! New greenie's here!" shouted Fry from outside. Great... I make my way out from my hut and run towards the box. I open the top to find what seemed like a lost puppy curled up in a ball. Gally pulls the new greenie out and throws him onto the soggy grass.

"Hey! Let's not be rude, or I'll throw you in the pit for a week!" I walk over to the new greenie.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why can't I remember anything!?" the new greenie screamed.

"Whoa, he's a little stressed!" says Zart to his friends. They start laughing and wheezing until I give them the side eye and walk towards the new greenie.

"Your name will come to you in a few days, welcome to the glade, my name is y/n and I'll show you around." I explained. He didn't say anything and just got up he looked around and spotted the entrance of the maze, he looked at me in the eye and I new exactly what he was going to do. However, before i could do anything he sprinted towards the maze door.

"We got a runner! Someone grab him!" I shouted. Suddenly Minho, Ben and Thomas run out of the maze and Minho pushes the new greenie and he lands on his but. I giggle to myself and walk over to them.

"Thanks Minho, I'll take it from here!" I stand in front of the new greenie as he stands up. "Gonna run away again?" He shakes him head softly and stands there awkwardly. I grab his hand and start walking over to the tree house.

"Where are you taking me?" he asks in his hot British voice. 

"Somewhere you can see everything." We walk up to the top of the tree house and sit down with our legs hanging of the edge. 

"I know you must be a little confused and maybe even scared but we have all been through it. None of us knows where we are or how we got here all they let us keep is our name. That there is the maze all you need to know about it is that its a dangerous place. Never and I mean never try and go in it you wont make it out. That there is all our huts, since I'm a girl i get my own hut but every other hut has at least five beds in it. Your bed isn't ready yet so you'll be staying in my hut for a while. Tonight we'll have a Bonfire for you, we have one every-time a new greenie comes, or whenever we feel like it. It was nice meeting you greenie but i have to go and help Fry with dinner. Thomas will show you around more. Do you have any questions greenie?"

"Why do you keep calling me greenie? Its bloody annoying!" he says as I chuckle to myself.

"Oh so he speaks! We call all the people who come up in the box greenie, until they remember there real name."

"Newt..." he whispers

"What?" I say. (you didn't here him)

"My name... Its Newt" he turns to you and stares into your eyes. You feel your stomach erupt with butterflies and fireworks. You look down at his lips as he smirks, his hazel brown eyes seem to make everything around you disappear as you start to lean in. Suddenly someone from below shouts...

"Y/n! Do you want me to take the new greenie or not!" Thomas says clearly jealous. You and Newt breaks eye contact.

"Yeah! Just wait a second! Well Newt, I have to go Thomas will show you around and I'll see you at the Bonfire tonight ok?"

"Yeh definitely! See you there beautiful!" Newt says as you giggle.

"See you there Blondie!" You make your way down the tree house. 

"What was that about, with you and greenie?" Thomas says looking at his feet.

"Oh we were just hopelessly in love!" You say in a jokingly tone. "Anyways I have to go help Fry with dinner he's been waiting for a while. Bye Thomas!"

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