Chapter 5: The new girl

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(Y/n's POV)

Your playing with Chuck until you notice Newt tackling Gally and punching him in the face over and over again.

"Hey you two stop it!" You say as everyone runs over to both of them and they all started chanting.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Everyone kept screaming and you run towards them and breaking them apart. You look at Gally's face, his nose was bleeding and blood was dripping down the side of his face. You then look over at newt his nose was also bleeding but not as bad as Gally. Newt's hand was covered in blood and Newt was panting with rage.

"Newt come with me, now!" You say pulling Newt of to the side. Newt was still looking at Gally with anger. You move his head to face you and his expression changes to a sad soft look. 

"Can you tell me what the fuck that was about!?" You say taking his bloody hands.

"I-he was looking at you. And I told him to stop! But he said no... so umm I sorta beat him up?" Newt says looking like a sad puppy that just broke something.

"Sorta? You sorta beat him up? Newt he's bleeding non stop! His face is bleeding so much! Tell me if I didn't stop you, would you have stopped punching him?  If I wasn't there you would have probably killed him!" You say as Newt stands in front of you looking at the ground.

"I-I'm sorry love. I don't know what came over me!" Newt says as you hug him tightly.

"It's ok, just don't do anything like that again ok? Come on let's take care of that nose," You say leading Newt to the med-jacks. You walk in seeing Gally lying on a bed as Jeff treats him. Gally looks over and you two and looks kinda scared not of me but of Newt! I mean he did beat him up really badly and Gally is one of the best fighters here. You walk over to an extra bed and Newt follows you but he was still looking at Gally.

"Newt don't, sit down," You say forcing Newt to sit down. You grab a few tissues and treats his nose bleed. While you treat it he looks at you and quickly hugs your waist like a little child. You giggle and play with his hair. After you clean up all the blood you go to check to see if the new greenie was awake. But when you pulled away the curtain you realized that she was gone! You run outside and spotted everyone at the bottom of the tree-house with bits of steal and other things over there heads. You run over and ask.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" You say until you almost get hit by a rock.

"The new greenie's gone mad!" Clint screams. You look up seeing massive rocks getting thrown down the tree-house.

"Hey my names Y/n! I'm another girl can I come up to talk?" You shout making sure she could hear you. She stops throwing rocks and you start climbing up the tree-house. Once you open the door leading to the top, you find your self right in front of a knife.

"Where am I!? Who are all these people!? I want answers NOW!" The new greenie says waving the knife around, cutting your cheek.

"Ow you little bitch!" You say holding your cheek as blood drips down onto your shirt.

"Answers!" The greenie continued waving her knife around.

"Ok Geez!" You say still holding onto your cheek as you get up and sit next to the new greenie, who was still holding a knife in her hand. 

"Look, I know this can be very scary but you have to calm the fuck down ok? None of us know why we're here, the only thing we remember is our names. This place is called the glade, it's were we survive and life, ok? The only way out of here is to go through the maze, but we just haven't found it yet. The maze is filed with dangerous creatures and shit that you definitely don't want to deal with. Once you've calmed down you can come down from the tree-house and Alby will show you around and explain were your sleeping and stuff like that. Tonight we will have a bonfire, we have one every-time a new greenie arrives," You explain.

"Teresa, that's my name, Teresa!" Teresa says looking really excited.

"Well, It was nice to meet you Teresa but I have to go and start my job, I'll see you hopefully at the bonfire tonight! Bye," You say and climb down the tree house. You go and start working in the garden when you realize that it was almost dawn and Thomas and Minho wasn't back yet! You didn't think much about it and kept working but then it got later and later. Everyone started gathering around the doors of the maze

"Where are they Y/n? Shouldn't there be here by now?" Chuck says looking into the maze.

"There going to make it its ok," you say patting Chucks back, to comfort him. But as it got darker everyone lost hope and started walking away.

"Hey guys look!" Newt says pointing into the maze. Far away Minho was carrying Thomas who seemed to be unconscious. You quickly run in to help, you pick up Thomas's other arm and start walking towards the maze doors, but your vision started getting blurry and all you could see was the maze door closing and everyone screaming your names. And all you remember is collapsing on the floor watching the maze door close. Followed by Newt picking you up and whispering.

"It's ok, we're going to be ok,"

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