Chapter 3: The Box

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(Y/n's POV)

You wake up to find your hands wrapped around Newts neck and Newt's head on your chest still snoring. You smile and start to play with his hair.
"Y/n?" says Newt as he looks up at you half asleep.

"Hey Blondie, Did you have a good sleep?" you say as Newt groans and snuggles closer to you. You giggle and keeps playing with his hair. 

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! You then jump up hearing the box coming up again, but it shouldn't be up for another month! You quickly put on some jeans and run outside to find a crowd circling the box.

"Y/n! Why is it up already?" Fry asks looking at the box.

"I dunno everyone stand back!" you say ask everyone takes a step back. You walk to the box and lift the cage up you jump in to find someone lying on the floor unconscious, you look closer and realize...

"It's a, girl...

YES I'M FINALLY NOT ALONE IN THIS SHIT-HOLE!" You wave your hands in the air like you just don't care but then you realize all the boys staring at you.

"S-sorry guys. Jeff come down here! We need to bring her to the medjack," You and Jeff carry her to the med hut and everyone comes running in from outside including Newt who looked like he just woke up.

"Hey... Is that a girl or am I tripping?" Newt says confused. Everyone looks at Newt and just turns back to the new greenie. Then you notice something in her hand, its a piece of paper! You carefully take it out of her hand and read it out loud.

"She's the last one... ever," You look at everyone behind you.

"What the hell does that suppose to mean?" Newt says scratching his head.

"I dunno but she should get some rest," Jeff said examining the new greenie. Even though it was early we still start our jobs. You walk back to your hut as you were still in Newts jumper and dirty jeans. When you walk in you see Newt already getting changed, he was taking off his shirt to reveal the most perfect body ever! You were so mesmerized that you didn't notice Newt staring right at you.

"Hey love."Newt says smirking. Newt then walks closer to you taking one of your hands and putting the other on your cheek. Newt starts to lean in for a kiss but then you chicken out.

"Sorry, Newt-I I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, especially after my last one..." You say looking at the floor and letting go of Newts hand.

"Oh- sorry. I'll leave so you can get changed," Newt walks out before you can say anything. You then start to feel bad about what you said, you get changed into some short jeans and a grey top. You walk outside thinking about Newt.

"Hey! Y/n," Thomas says from far away while waving at you and running over. You put a brave face on and smile.

"Hey Thomas! Running today?" You say with a week smile on your face.

"Like everyday! Just wanted to check on you before I- hey are you ok?" Thomas says noticing a tear coming out of your eye. You quickly wipe it away.

"Y-yeah," You couldn't told it anymore any start to cry.

"Hey, hey it's ok," Thomas says wrapping his hands around your waist. You give in and hug him tightly while crying into his chest. Thomas puts one of his hands on your head to comfort you.

"T-Thomas can we go to the tree-house?" You say in between tears. You then notice Newt staring at you obviously jealous, but he turns around and keeps working in the garden. Thomas leads you to the top of the tree-house and you lean on his chest while he hugs you from behind.

"I miss us," Thomas says quietly. You stay quiet. (not knowing what to say)

"Do you wanna tell me what happened? It's ok if you don't want to," Thomas says bringing you closer to him. You sigh and start to explain.

"Well, I've just been really stressed lately, I mean being one of the youngest AND the leader isn't the best thing in the world. I keep having these nightmares about my first month alone in this place, I was so-so scared. I mean I had to be all of the jobs I had to be the doctor, the gardeners, everything and now that we are getting more and more people this place its filling up and soon enough we won't have any room, and on top of that people are saying that I don't fit as being the leader as I'm the youngest and I'm a girl. Which you know pisses me off! I'm sorry I'm just venting..." You say sighing.

"Its ok, don't you feel a little better now that you've let all that out?" Thomas says playing with your hair. You then spot Newt staring at you not with jealously but with rage he then storms into the forest.

"Hey, Thomas don't you have to go into the maze today?" You say trying to get Thomas to go away as you wanted to go and check on Newt.

"Oh yeah, sorry I have to go. But I'll come find you as soon as I come back ok?" Thomas says and you nod he runs over to the maze doors and you walk down the tree-house. You run into the forest to find Newt scrunched up in a ball leaning against a tree.

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