Chapter 4: Boyfriend

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You run into the forest to find Newt scrunched up in a ball leaning against a tree. He's throwing stones into a lake in front of him. (definitely angry)

"Newt? Are you ok?" You say walking closer to Newt. Newt is silent and keeps throwing rocks into the lake. You sit beside him and notice that he is crying.

"Oh my gosh. Newt! What happened?" You reach to wipe away his tears but he pushes your hand way making you fall on the floor.

"Dude! What's your problem?" You say getting up. He stands up and points his finger at you.

"You! Your my problem! You tell me one thing and then you do another! You told me that you loved me. But then you told me that you don't want a relationship, and I'm fine with that. But then you turn around and get with Thomas I mean what the fuck!" Newt says crying.

"Newt-I that wasn't, we were just talking!" You say taking Newts hand. Newt pushes you away and sits back down covering his face with his hands to stop his crying. You sit down next to him wrapping your hands around him, Newt then leans on your chest. 

"Hey, Newt I don't like Thomas ok? We are ancient history and honestly I don't like any of the boys in here... except you ok?" Newt looks up at you and hugs you tightly. Newts starts playing with your hair and he eventually he stops crying.

"I love you Y/n. I know you'll say no but, will you be my girlfriend?" Newt closes his eye praying that you will say yes. You looks at him and say...

"Yes," Newt then jumps up.

"Yes! YEEESSS! Y/n's my girlfriend! Wait OMG! Y/n's my bloody girlfriend!" Newt keeps jumping up and down until he turns to you and picks you up and spins you around.

"Y/n's my girlfriend!!!! You hear that Thomas! She's MINE!" Newt says as you both laugh and giggle.

"I can't believe it!" Newt says hugging you.

"Start believing it.. boyfriend," You look at him and he starts to blush.

"Do you know how bloody cute you are?" Newt says looking you up and down.

"Hey don't get any thoughts now that your my boyfriend!" You say kiss him by surprise.

"Wow," Newt says almost falling over. You catch him and you hug him tightly. Newt rests his chin on your shoulder and you stay there for a while before heading back out holding hands.

"Hey Y/n! I've been looking for you everywhere! Can you please please please play with me?" Chuck says running up to you and Newt.

"Of course chuck just give me a second," You turn around and gives Newt a kiss on the cheek and you walk off with chuck leaving Newt blushing. 

(Newts POV)

Newt's heart erupts into a hundred butterflies, as Y/n kisses him on the cheek. Newt then watches Y/n play hide and seek with Chuck. Newt walks over to the garden and starts to work, while every so often looking over and Y/n.

"Damn she's pretty!" Gally says from behind. Newt turns around and snaps his fingers.

"Hey I wouldn't keep staring if I were you, other wise her boyfriend will get veeeerrry mad at you!" Newt says giving Gally the side eye.

"Y/n doesn't have a boyfriend so I can stare all I want so back off!" Gally says still staring at Y/n.

"Oh but she does and you just pissed him off!" Newts says then punches Gally in the face. Gally punches him back and they start tackling each other to the ground.

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