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Rickard enters a tent where a group of Silent Sisters are preparing Hugh's body for funeral rites. Barristan is standing guard when Rickard enters the tent.

Rickard: Does Ser Hugh have any family in the capital?

Barristan: No. I stood vigil for him myself last night. He had no one else.

Rickard glances at Hugh's armor, which is being cleaned by another Silent Sister.

Rickard: He'd never worn this armor before.

Barristan: Bad luck for him - going against the Mountain.

Rickard: Who determines the draw?

Barristan: All the knights draw straws, Lord Grimes

Rickard: Aye. But who holds the straws? [to the Silent Sisters] You've done good work, Sisters.

They exit the tent. As they do, a squire hands Barristan his helmet and fastens his cape onto his armor. Rickard and Barristan begin walking.

Barristan: Life is strange. Not so many years ago we fought as enemies at the Trident. Now we are brothers of the Order of the Jaded Cloaks.

Rickard: I'm glad we never met on the battlefield, Lord Commander.

Barristan: You're being too modest. I've seen you cut down a dozen great knights.

Rickard: My brother once told you were the greatest he'd ever seen. I never knew him to be wrong about anything

Barristan: He was a fine man, your brother. What the Mad King did to him was a terrible crime.

Rickard points back at the tent.

Rickard: And that lad - he was a squire until a few months ago. How could he afford a new suit of armor?

Barristan: Perhaps Lord Arryn left him some money? I hear the King wants to joust today.

Rickard: Yes. That will never happen.

Barristan: Robert tends to do what he wants.

Rickard: If the King got what he wanted all the time, he'd still be fighting a damned rebellion.


Rickard walks into the tent where Lancel is trying to put Robert's armor on him, to little success.

Lancel: It's made too small, Your Grace. It won't go.

Robert Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat ass. Did you know that?

Lancel looks insulted, but continues to try and put the armor on Robert. After a moment he gives up and steps aside.

Robert: Look at this idiot! One ball and no brains. He can't even put a man's armor on him properly.

Rickard: You're too fat for your armor.

Robert: Fat? Fat, is it? Is that how you speak to your king?

Rickard raises his eyebrow giving him a look. Both begins laughing. Lancel laughs too

Robert: That was funny, is it?

Lancel: [nervously] No, Your Grace.

Robert: No? You don't like the Hand's joke?

Rickard: Oh stop torturing the poor boy.

Robert: You heard the Hand. The King's too fat for his armor! Go find the breastplate stretcher, now!

Lancel quickly leaves the tent. Robert laughs after he leaves and picks up a glass of wine.

Rickard "The breastplate stretcher?"

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