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Rickard walks outside and looks around as Lannister soldiers swarms in surrounding him. He sighs, unsheathing Doomslayer

Rickard: Who wants to meet my blade first?

A soldier charges at him but Rickard drives his sword through his chest, yanking out and smirks a wicked grin as he lunges at the other soldiers.


Vivian and Rosita are walking down the corridor.

Vivian: Arya knows we were to leave today. How could she forget---

Rosita: She's with her "dancing master; she's with him every morning.

Vivian: Shush

Rosita: What is it, my lady?

Another group of Lannister soldiers comes around the corner. Vivian sees their bloody swords and approaches them slowly unsheathing Dark Sister

Vivian: Run to the tunnels. I won't be long

Rosita: But---

Vivian: Go now!

Rosita sadly nods her head and runs away the other way.

A soldier charges toward Vivian who ducks his blade, coming up behind him and yanks his head back slicing her sword across his neck, throwing his body down

She twirls her sword around and makes a "come get it" motion with her hand. She and the soldiers charges at each other

Vivian slashes her sword across a soldier's stomach then rams the blade through another one's chest. Behind her, a soldier raises his sword above his head when a dagger is thrown through the air into his back, he slumps down

Vivian turns seeing her father and Rosita running to her

Rickard: Come! We need to leave now!

Vivian nods her head and the trio runs down the corridor.


The door suddenly opens. A group of Lannister soldiers, lead by Meryn Trant enters.

Meryn: Alissa Waters, you are to come with us.

Alissa: Why are the Kingsguard here? I am wondering?

Meryn: I said come with us, girl!

Alissa: My father----

Meryn looks at her annoyed. She goes to pick up one of her daggers but he backhands her harshly across the face knocking her down

Meryn: I give the orders now, bastard.

He laughs at her mockingly

Meryn: Take her.

The soldiers begins to advance towards her when Simon runs into the room

Simon: Do you honestly love threatening a girl, Ser Meryn?

Meryn: I take my orders from the King.

Soldier: Get out of my way, Ser Simon!

Simon looks down seeing the bruise on Alissa's face and snaps his head towards Meryn and the soldiers


Meryn: She spoke back to me so I laid hands and showed her how a man handles disrespectful whores

Simon steps closer getting right in his face glaring at him in defiance.

Simon: Get out and if you lay hands on any of my family one more time, the last thing you see will be my blade through your chest.

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