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Ned and Rickard are at the front of the procession followed by Vivian, Jory, and other guards.

Behind them, Arya, Sansa, and SEPTA MORDANE are riding in a cart. As they enter the courtyard, Ned and Rickard gets off their horse and is greeted by the ROYAL STEWARD.

ROYAL STEWARD: Welcome, Lord Stark, Lord Grimes. Grand Maester Pycelle has called a meeting of the Small Council. The honor of your presence is requested.

Rickard: Vivian, get Sansa and Arya settled

Ned: We'll be back in time for supper.

Vivian nods her head

Ned: Jory, go with them

Jory: Yes, my lord.

ROYAL STEWARD: If you'd like to change into something more appropriate...?

Rickard gives the STEWARD a blank stare before taking off his gloves. The STEWARD realizes their disinterest and the three begin walking to the council chamber.

The STEWARD is leading them through a hallway of the Red Keep when a Gold Cloak stops them.

Gold Cloak: Lord Stark.....Lord Grimes...?

The Gold Cloak takes off his helmet and reveals himself to be Karden Stally.

Ned: Do we know you?

Karden: It's me. Karden Stally.

Rickard: Karden? My goodness, lad.

Ned: You've grown up. Last time I saw you, you were a little boy.

Rickard: And now you're a Gold Cloak.

Karden: Allow me to congratulate you on being named Hand of the King and Protector of the Iron Throne.

Rickard: Thank you.

Ned: I'm glad King Robert gave us the honor. And how about you, lad?

Rickard: How's King's Landing treating you?

Karden: It treats me alright. I hope it does the same for you.

Ned: How's Jimmer doing? How are things in Longhold?

Karden: He's great. Things in Longhold are as normal as ever.

Ned: I haven't seen Jimmer in years. Maybe we should invited him for a visit sometime.

ROYAL STEWARD: I don't mean to be rude, but the Small Council is waiting for us....

Karden: My apologies. You have more important things to do than talk to me right now. It was nice seeing you again, Lord Stark, Lord Grimes

He shakes their hands

Rickard: You too lad. I do believe Jarson is in King's Landing. Perhaps you might be able to see if your duties requires it.

Ned and Rickard continues walking as Karden stares after them.

They arrive at the main throne room. Ned and Rickard enters and looks around. Jaime is seen sitting on the steps in front of the Iron Throne. When he sees them, he gets up and walks over to them

Jaime: Thank the Gods you're here, Stark, Grimes. About time we had some stern Northern and Blacklands leadership.

Ned: Glad to see you're protecting the throne.

Jaime briefly glances at the throne.

Jaime: Sturdy old thing. How many kings' asses have polished it, I wonder? Um, What's the line? "The King shits and the Hand wipes."

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