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Your POV:

"I have 10 private investigators finding information on my family's background."

I rolled my eyes at Drew and kept staring at the white dress I was still wearing since a few days ago.

"They're going to be stuck in our lore and we're not going anywhere."

"Got a change of clothes?" I asked, he nodded and pointed outside "Go to my mom's closet."

I walked to his mom's large closet and grabbed clothes, then made my way to the guest bathroom, turning on the hot water.

As I stepped in the shower, I thought to myself about the whole situation, as much as I wish I could break down and cry, I knew deep down I was the only one (and with the help of Drew) that'll get Maddy and Asher.

But I also felt like there would be consequences between Gwen and I. I'm doing this behind her back instead of listening.

I deep washed every inch of my body and felt my eyes sting, I had no idea what was my next move if I am being completely honest. 

After I finished, I put on black pants and a black shirt, I was freezing though, "Hey Drew do you have-" I stopped when I saw Gwen and Miles in the room with Drew webbed on the wall. "You said you didn't know where she was." Miles stated as he glared at Drew, "As if I'd tell the people who webbed me where my friend is." Drew said as Miles helped him out of the webs.

"Gwen? Miles? What are you guys doing?!?" "We've been looking for you!" Gwen exclaimed now sounding pissed. I stared at them confused, "You do realize you were supposed to stay by me because people are on the hunt for you right?" she muttered as she crossed her arms, "Well apologies can be told later, but we gotta go! This place isn't safe for us." Miles said as he put on his mask and opened the balcony door. "What? I'm not leaving." I quickly said.

Gwen and Miles looked at each other then back at me, "Is she serious?" Miles asked, "Yes she is, and she's staying here." Drew said as he walked in front of me, "Y/n, are you insane?" Gwen asked as she stepped foward, Drew chuckled, "You guys might not understand because you probably never lost anyone in your life, but Y/n and I lost two of our closest friends, family practically." Miles shut the door and made his way in front of Drew's face, "You don't know anything about us."

"Neither do you. Clearly." Drew said as he pushed Miles off of him, Miles was about to do something but I quickly stepped in, "Guys, enough. Look, I need you two to understand that there is a lot going on and the only way we can get through this is if we fight our own battles." 

Gwen chuckled and sat down on Drew's end of the bed.

"Enlighten me Y/n. What do you plan on doing. What is the brilliant ideas you and Chuck Bass  here have! I'm sure it is brilliant!" she sarcastically said.

My eyes watered, but I pushed my tears back and clenched my fists, "You don't understand. And it's fine, I don't expect you to. But don't mock us. We want to find our friends." "So what I am hearing is that there is no plan?" Gwen chuckled.

I looked at Drew and shook my head before storming out of his room, "Wait Y/n, hold on! Tell me about this plan." Gwen said as she followed behind me. "Fuck off.." I whispered, "What was that? Couldn't hear you-" I stopped mid stair way and spun to look at her, "FUCK OFF!" I shouted, "I LOST MY FRIENDS, I DON'T HAVE PARENTS AND FROM THE LOOKS OF IT, YOU'RE OUT OF THE PICTURE TOO." I yelled.

Her eyes widened, "What are you talking about? I am here for you." "No! No you fucking aren't. And that's the thing Gwen, I lived 18 years on my own and guess what, I can live many more without your help if this is how it's going to be." I stated as I wiped my tears away in anger.

"Okay Y/n. I know you're mad but understand me for a second. You dissapeared, I was worried and come to find out you came here instead of coming to me!" I chuckled, "And so you come to taunt me when you told me to basically leave it, my friends are- I don't even know!" I said as I choked in my own words, I began loosing it, not being able to breathe, I tried to walk away, but Gwen called my name "Y/n, are you okay? Breathe-" I pulled my hand away from hers, "Just leave me alone." I cried, she pulled my body towards her  "I'm not going anywhere Y/n." she said.

I just cried in her arms not knowing what else to do.

Maybe this wasn't a bad idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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