Episode 7; Godzilla vs Hulk, Information and Meeting

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Location: Ginza
Date: 1943
Time: 12:30 -Right after Godzilla left Japanese waters-

"The damage that was done by the giant creature as left the remaining of Ginza a nuclear wreck. Over 70,000 people and Pokemon were either killed or injured, and 60,000 homes were affected by the shockwave that was carried from untold miles, these numbers are still raising as far as we know."

Under the clear blue sky that almost made the endeavor that was a couple of seconds ago a lie, but for the people that survived it was just a lie. The homes that they made and build, the family and friend's that they had were either death or heavily injured. Many people and Pokemon were behind a yellow line that the police made, In front of the rubble were the remains of Ginza. Even the military was involved, half of them were helping the police in keeping the civilians in check while the other half was scanning everything with a radiation detector. Soon a couple of figures and ships arrived and landed on the zone, these figures include Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Batman, and Flash, while the ships were from SHIELD. (1)

'Jesus/By Odins beard.'

Were they're collected thoughts as they looked upon the immense destruction. It was so surreal, sure they fought villains that did the same but this creature, this Godzilla, actively targeted the center of Ginza. And if SHIELD scanners are right then the shockwave probably traveled half way around the world, destroying everything with incredible speed before coming back rapidly.

"Recovery operations are underway but at the moment is incredibly difficult since the path the creature took carries a risk of radiation that is impending process."

Soon a small ship landed before the bottom of it opened, letting out the Ant-Man, Wonder Woman, and Atom. The three looked onto the destruction before Atom and Ant-Man went on to collect some samples of the radiation and to see if they can collect a tissue sample as well. Of course everyone made sure that they had Hazmat Suit, after all one can't be to careful. Once they were done everyone when back inside of SHIELD helicarrier where Nick Fury was giving a briefing to everyone. (2)

"Alright folks listen up. As I sure you all saw, just a couple of seconds ago a giant monster appeared and destroyed Ginza. As of right now it's whereabouts are unknown, we are trying to track it and yet satellites aren't picking this thing radioactive signature. However we do have some bits of information of it and theorizes."

Fury pressed a bottom, the wall behind him soon mixed and turned revealing a TV. He clicked something on a keypad before a photo of Godzilla appeared in the screen.

"As of right now we only know that this creature is called Godzilla, meaning god incarnate."

Some people scoffed at that. A god incarnate? Please, he was just a giant over crown reptile. But neither Fury, Thor, or Batman scoff or think that way. The three of them of them have fought or met magical beings as well as creatures that would only exist in myth. The three of them have met people that can be considered God's, hell a literal god is sitting down with everyone right now. For a creature to have name that means god incarnate meant that this things isn't just a normal creature and they new it.

The way it looked down on the humans as they ran for they're life, the way it used it's tail to crush them, and the intelligence and brutality that it showed during it's fight with the Kaiju Girl showed that this thing wasn't just a animal that was following it's instincts, but a creature that was smart and sentient.

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