|𝑰𝑰| The "Impossible" Choice

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To any normal person at the moment, Y/N would look like a creep, suspiciously walking off after stealing something.

Fortunately, she was not the thief. Unfortunately, she was about to meet some thieves. Which was when the "heated" fight in the night took place.

Darkness fell upon the light blue of the sky, leaving it to be a darker shade of blue now. Somehow the little promise she made to Gator this morning she'd broken. For just today, she was actually willing to not go around looking for something cool to do, just for the little chick. But, then, she got distracted with the baby turtle she bought.

First, she'd gotten rather distracted with him at the store. Before a worker actually came up to her and asked her what she would like to be helped with, she had spent twenty-three whole minutes just baby talking with the turtle.

In her hands, she held a small aquarium which had the turtles in it and a bag of some other things. She was already planning on what to do once she made it home. That would be showing this tiny creature around the house, inside the fridge and the cabinets, introducing him to Gator and B/N and then calling up her friends to show him to them.

To buy this thing, she'd strayed quite far from her home- yep, came to a whole different Burrough to get him. The story behind it went something like this. Once upon a time, during one of her many 'not really escapades' escapades, she passed by a little pet store in Brooklyn. And, upon passing by the glass at the front, her gaze had fallen upon him. The turtle who she was yet to name.

She would name him as soon as she got home. For the time being... her gaze flicked to the large shipping containers behind the fence she was walking by. The docks really did not make her feel safe at all. Didn't the Foot attack this place like, a day ago or something?... This was really a dangerous place to be. Especially when the sun had long gone down.

Almost on tiptoe to get home, Y/N picked up her pace. As much as she dreamed of taking down the Foot one day, her mother would probably take away her archery privileges if she did. And, she'd totally freak out. Can't have that happening.

If it weren't for that, she'd definitely go swinging. Violently. With her f- 'Crash!'

Followed by the sound, a flash of light caught her gaze. One look and- 'Finally! I can be heroi- one second...' The people had guns and there were several of them. Guns and people, both alike.

That, of course, didn't stop her from going ahead and pressing her hand with the supply bag against the cold fencing made of wire linked together.

There were the thieves.

"What are they stealing?" She mumbled under her breath, not noticing the baby turtle in the aquarium look away from her and turn to docks, at the men. Both the human and the turtle squint their eyes together, trying to get a better sight of whatever was going on. Y/N began full-on ranting afterwards, the baby turtle giving subtle nods at her words and questions.

TMNT Cuz' It's 2:49 In The Morning (But Written At 7:47 In The Morning)Where stories live. Discover now