29 - '𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'

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As dawn broke, I found myself lying awake, the events of the previous night playing over in my mind. Minho's confession, our kiss—it all felt like a dream, too fragile to be real. But the warmth of his presence beside me, the steady rhythm of his breathing, anchored me to the reality of our shared moment.

The house was quiet, a soft hush before the world fully woke up. I slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Minho, and made my way to the kitchen. The familiar ritual of making coffee helped to ground me, each step a reminder that life was slowly returning to something resembling normal.

As I waited for the coffee to brew, my thoughts drifted back to the conversation with the police. The weight of my confession still lingered, but there was also a strange sense of relief. I had faced my fears, voiced my truth, and somehow, I had survived it. The officers' reassurances echoed in my mind, their promise to find him was a thin thread of hope I clung to.

Minho appeared in the doorway, his hair tousled from sleep. He gave me a sleepy smile, crossing the room to join me. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes. I leaned into him, drawing strength from his quiet support.

"Morning," he murmured, his voice rough with sleep.

"Morning," I replied, feeling a small smile tug at my lips.

We stood there for a while, savoring the stillness of the moment. It was as if time had paused, giving us a brief respite from the chaos that had defined my life for so long. But even in this calm, I knew there was still so much to face. The road ahead was uncertain and fraught with challenges, but this time, I wasn't alone.

I flinched as my phone went off.
I freed myself from Minho's arms to answer the call, hoping that it was someone else calling me.

I let out a relieved sigh as I saw my mom's number on the screen.

"Where are you?! Have you forgotten the way back home?!"

"Good morning to you too, mom." I smiled sarcastically as if she'd see it.

"Where are you staying Mila?!"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Answer me!"

"At Minho's."

"A BOY?!" I held the phone away from my ear as she continued screaming at me.

When she seemed to stop screaming I pressed it against my ear again.
"I don't have to explain myself, Mom, I'm an adult."


"That seemed intense. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, my mom is just asking me to go back home."

"Will you?"

"I don't know," I let out a sigh.
"I mean I want to live in the same house as Newt but I hate being around my parents."

"You can stay here, you'll be seeing Newt every day anyway so I don't see the problem."

"Yeah, but your parents?"

"They'll be staying in Greece for another two months due to some work stuff, but even if they were home, they wouldn't mind. They love you."

I let out a chuckle at his words. I love his parents too. I remember before he left, I would always try to find an excuse to stay at his house, so I could see what a real family looked like.

"I miss them."

"I will make sure to tell them that." He chuckled as he began to make a breakfast. "How many eggs do you want?"

𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘆𝗺𝗶𝗮 - TMR AU, Minho.Where stories live. Discover now