CHAPTER 3: Hit it until it breaks

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Chapter 3

Hit it




You don't really notice when it happens.

You wake up every day, doing the same thing you always do. You wake up, go to school or maybe work if you have a job, try to do your best or the least you can do. Then you go to sleep and then wake up again and do the same thing as long as you can carry yourself.

You don't really notice when it happens.

Oikawa only noticed when he realized he didn't want to wake up.


A year ago

It was about a year ago the first time he realized something was really off. He and Iwaizumi were eating out with their friends and everybody was cheerful and happy. It's been awhile since Oikawa seen them like that.

Oikawa could still remember the smell of onions and something spicy – he could still see the brown, almost golden lights burning on candles in the restaurant. Matsukawa was telling a joke, Makki almost choked on his own curry, Iwaizumi turned red because of all the laughing and Oikawa smiled as a new voice cradled him inside of his mind, whispering–

But would they mourn you?

It was so sudden and eerie, Oikawa froze on spot.

After he got home, he didn't sleep for a long time. He was lying in his bead, wide awake, being alone with the voice in his head, which had never been there before.

Something after that, drastically changed.


It started with the food first, weirdly enough. Whenever he unpacked or saw something delicious, let that be homemade food or not, something happened.

The first time it was a little bento box which his mom had made, while he was sitting in his classroom. Everyone was having lunch and enjoyed their time with their friends, Oikawa was eating alone in peace. He raised the lid and put it aside, then picked up his chopsticks and decided to eat a little vegetable. It was close to his mouth when–

Shouldn't you eat less?

And Oikawa just stopped in his movement, his stomach clenched and he overall found himself being very uncomfortable.

You will never be perfect. Might as well just eat less, to at least try to look like as if you are.

Oikawa saw someone, only having a sandwich. He looked at him and pointed at his own bento, "Do you want mine?"

The boy looked surprised, looking at Oikawa's bento. "I can't accept–"

Oikawa handed it to him with two hands. "Please, I insist."

Don't Make Me Walk When I Want To Fly FINAL PART: Crowd Full of StrangersWhere stories live. Discover now