Chapter 1

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Before we start I just want to tell you that @lizz30 and I "play" different characters. So here we go X3

Kat: Jack, Kimiko,Omi, Master Fung, Kari

Lizzy: Raimundo, Clay, Dojo, Wuya, Chase, Kaiser



It was a cool spring night at the xiaolin temple. The four xiaolin dragons: Omi, Raimundo, Clay and Kimiko were all asleep. Dojo was slithering to his room while holding a candle so he could see down the halls. Master Fung had stepped out of his room to take a walk because he had begun to feel restless, for he had a gut feeling that something was to come upon them and soon enough whatever it was, it was going to reveal itself. While having a stroll under the moonlit night he decided to do a small patrol to make sure everything was alright and in order. Seeing that everything was indeed fine he went into the scroll room to read to see if anything had revealed itself or anything different had changed.

Upon looking through a few scrolls one of the many scrolls was ever so brightly glowing sliver, Master Fung went and lightly pulled it out to see what information was being held inside the scroll. Once the scroll was fully opened onto the table he began to read and look over the images that were in front of him. His eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe it, was he truly reading this correctly; the waning crescent moon was there on the scroll and that could only mean one thing, the ancient and legendary Copying dragon of the moon was somewhere out in the world, wondering around. While reading more about the Copying dragon he heard a noise of something hitting the floor nearby, he looked down to find another scroll that was covered in a hazy black mist. He cautiously walked over to pick the scroll up, wondering what this scroll was to behold for him slightly fearing what other news to be faced with. Once the scroll he had just picked up opened on the table and looked to see what was inside, but of course the worse was to show itself when he saw the skull and cross knives. It was none other than the revealing of the ancient and legendary Mercilus dragon of illusions. He closed up both of the scrolls and kept them on the table to show the four xiaolin dragons in training tomorrow in the morning, as he was leaving the scroll room he blew out the candles then he walked to retire for the night. Tomorrow held many mysteries and Master Fung needed his rest. Things around the temple maybe a little... Different soon.

-----In Chase's domain-----

Chase Young was sitting in his thrown meditating peacefully until his faithful crow came flying in making a cawing noise. He held his arm for the crow to land as he looked at it giving it a questioning look. The crow kept on cawing as if trying to tell Chase something important. Instead of going to his scroll room, he made one of his eye orbs appear to show him what he needed to see that his crow could not verbally say. In the orb a waning crescent moon symbol appeared, making the orb glow silver, but then a black hazy mist engulfed the glowing with the crescent to be replaced with a skull and knives crossing one another. Chase smirked, so the time had finally come that the Copying Dragon of the moon and the Mercilus dragon of illusions are wondering the earth again.

He had set his goals onto finding both the Copying dragon and the Mercilus dragon; with their powers combined together no one would stand in his way of world domination. The eye orb disappeared as the crow went off flying to try and find the two unknown dragons as he looked to his cats calling them forth. He was going to make sure he was the first one to find them before anyone else could. Soon Chase called his fallen warriors, which were in the forms of jungle cats. When all of his cats that he needed were gathered they headed out to hunt down the Mercilus and Copying dragon.

Xiaolin showdown collab with lizzy30 Legendary twoWhere stories live. Discover now